Claire whirled around and her mouth dropped, "What the hell does that mean, exactly what are you saying Jeff?"

"When a man loves his woman and worships her, but the woman doesn't appreciate it, he will eventually get tired of it and walk!"

Abby and Claire looked at each other, with a shocked expression on their faces.

"I will never walk away from Abby!" Steven declared, "nothing she says or does can make me leave her!"

Claire snatched her baby from Jennifer's hands and marched out the door. It took a moment for Jeff to realize that she had left the condo before he chased after her, but just as he was about to open the glass doors in the lobby to go out and calm Claire down, he witnessed her get into an Taxi and take off.

Jeff's heart pounded against his chest, as fear twisted inside his gut, he sped to where he had parked his car and drove as fast as he was able to to get home.
"Wow that was intense." Lily who thinks the world is beautiful said, "I hope they work it out."

"Jeff adores Claire and they will definitely work it out," Abby said, "but first they might need to have a long talk with each other and speak from the heart I think."

"They will be fine their marriage is strong and solid." Steven remarked, "this is just a small bump on the rode."

"Arguing with your partner only spices things up," John added, "how boring would it be if one always agrees with their partner!"

Alice looked at John and smiled, she wondered what it would feel like if he were to kiss her. Blushing by her own thoughts, she looked down at her feet and hoped John didn't notice.

"Well I have to say that me and Jennifer have never had an argument yet and our relationship is all spiced up and then some!" George admitted, "I guess each relationship is different.

"Jeff is a very passionate and possessive man" Steven pointed out, and then smiled, when everyone started to laugh, "I know, I know, I am passionate and possessive too, so we over react, but only because we love our women too much."

"Yes but you're too much Steven!" Abby admitted.

"How would you really feel should I take a step back and not be all over you?"

"The truth is I would die!" Abby admitted, and it was the best answer she could have given Steven, his eyes bore into hers and spoke a thousand words of love, "I love you Steven and I always feel loved and safe when you are around me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" Steven's eyes made love to her right there in front of everyone.

"Um ok," Lily said, "I think it's time we all leave the two love birds and call it a night!"

Everyone laughed wholeheartedly and lifted themselves off their seats, "Jacob, you and the ladies are welcome to stay at our home for the rest of your stay in Massachusetts." George told them. "We have many guests bedrooms, and a refrigerate full of food!"

"Yes thank you, I think we will take you up on that George," Jacob said, "I don't care about me, but the women and especially baby Antonia would be more comfortable in a home versus a hotel."

"Great it's settled then," George smiled, "you all fit in my Benz and so I will drive us home."

George and Jennifer hugged Abby and Steven, "May God bless your children." George said.

"Tomorrow we will meet for lunch," Steven told everyone, "I'll call you for information."

"That's fine," George said, "I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we will be looking forward to getting together for lunch," and then he followed everyone out the door.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now