"Give that back" I said snatching it back from Yeonjun.

"There is something else inside" Soobin said peeking inside.

I placed the game down and got the other item out.

I gasped once again when I pulled out the hoodie I've been eyeing a while.

"Wait, how-" I was about to speak but got cut off by the teacher coming inside.

The rest took their seats while I slowly took mine still confused.

'How did they know that I've been wanting this hoodie?' I thought to myself as the teacher started the lecture.

Author's pov

You were watching Beomgyu unwrap the gifts the whole time as you smiled fondly at his reactions.

But quickly whipped the smile off when he turned towards you to sit down.

You wanted to tell Beomgyu how much you likes him and how much you've been admiring him, but your lack of confidence made you not able to.

You took out a piece of paper and wrote on it.

'I hope you enjoyed your gift. And happy birthday.  -love anonymous'

And tried to aim it at his desk.

Out of luck it landed directly in front of him.

You turned away almost immediately when he turned back to see who threw the paper.

Beomgyu slowly unwrapped the paper and started reading it.

'I hope you enjoyed your gift.  And happy birthday.  -love anonymous'

He smiled as he looked back again to try and see who gave him the gift.

Lunch Time

Beomgyu and his four other friends walked together to lunch.

"In class, someone threw a paper at me telling me that they hoped that I liked the gift, but I couldn't tell who threw it" He said being visibly stressed.

"Hyung has a secret admirer~" Kai sung out, receiving a smack from Beomgyu.

While walking to the cafeteria, they bumped into Mr. Jung, their history teacher.

"Oh, Beomgyu, happy birthday buddy. I hope you received the gift Y/n got you. It looks like she put a lot of effort on it" Mr. Jung said while patting Beomgyu's shoulder then walked away.

Beomgyu was frozen in his place while the rest were making a fuss.

"Bro, isn't that your crush" Taehyun stated.

"She got you the gift!" Yeonjun said as he kept shaking Beomgyu.

"No way" Beomgyu uttered.

After getting himself together, they continued their journey to the cafeteria.

"I'll bring us the food" Soobin said walking away.

"There she is!" Yeonjun nudged Beomgyu.

Beomgyu looked over at the entrance of the cafeteria to see his one and only crush.

Kim Y/n

He blushed as he looked away.

"Has she always been this lonely?" Taehyun asked as he looked over at you sitting alone.

"Huh?" Beomgyu asked as he looked up.

He saw you sitting alone, writing in your notebook.

"Shoot your shot" Yeonjun said as he kept poking Beomgyu's side.

"Okay okay stop" He said as he got up slowly.

Making small strides towards the table you're sitting at.

He walked behind you as he poked your shoulder to get your attention.

You flinched as you looked back to see the last person you've expected to see.

"Hi." Beomgyu said smiling lightly

"H-Hi" You mentally face palmed yourself for stuttering infront of him.

"Umm, can I sit here?" He asked pointing to the empty seat beside you.

"Um, yeah sure" You said as you closed your notebook.

"Hey, look, I don't want you to be embarrassed or anything but I know that you're the one who gave me the gift and I just wanted to tell you thank you, I'm really grateful" He said as he blushed a little.

You stared at him wordlessly.

"How did you know?" You asked stuttering a little.

"Mr. Jung may or may have not ratted you out" He said chuckling.

You were still very shocked about what is happening.

"I actually have something to tell you" He said as he started blushing even more.

You nodded your head gesturing for him to go on.

"Look imma be straight forward with you. I've like you for a really long time but never had the confidence to go up and tell, buy here I am telling you now. So, will... Will you be my girlfriend?" He said while tightly closing his eyes.

"Wait- Did you just ask me to be your girlfriend?" You asked unable to belive what you just heard.

He relaxed once he realised how nervous you were.

He pulled you up from your seat and started walking to the outside garden.

"Look, I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do but-" He said.

And before you knew THE Choi Beomgyu was kissing you in the middle of your schools garden.

You smiled into the kiss before kissing him back with the same amount of love.

"So I guess I'll take that as a yes?" He asked as he rested his forehead on yours.

"Mhm" You said feeling a wave of happiness hitting you like a bus.

"This is the best birthday ever, you know that?" He asked as he went in for another kiss.



Author's note

I'm am extremely sorry for being late on posting, I've not been motivated AT ALL.


Happy birthday to my everything. To the person who made me feel like life has a purpose. I might sound like I'm overexatrating but I'm really not.

This man made my life 10000000x better. Not just him but the whole TXT.

Beomgyu is like 98% of my personality. He is a very important person in my life and I really freaking love that dude.

Happy Birthday angel!


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