Guitar with Joe

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To say you were happy is an understatement.

Everything worked itself out, Joe and you are *maybe* dating now, (You never formally asked), the band competition is tomorrow, and you bought yourself tiramisu and we're currently eating it as you and the other 5 members sat and talked about tomorrows competition.

You forgot about the stupid little silly quirky little threat that was written on the note. He was just joking around! What a nice guy.

You had recieved news that ur mom died yesterday. Lol XD 🤣. I'll attend her funeral but she was a big bum. Still don't know the cause of death though. I hope she got body slammed by Neil cicierega and died. That would be so hilarious.

"So, who's excited for the band competition tomorrow?"

You weren't. Not one bit. How to explain how you "lost" the song lyrics is gonna is difficult.

Wait a minute... you thought. You don't need to tell them! All you have to do is rewrite the song lyrics as best as you can remember. And you have a few backup songs.

"What song are we gonna do?"

"Ruler of Everything! It's gonna be gnarly. And our home girl y/n created the song. Nice work."

You chucked nervously. "Totally! My broskeee..."

Ross looked at the happy exchange between you and Zubin, and immediately began throwing up violent amounts of vomit as he vomited. We all ignored him and continued.

A question came to mind. "Is bora coming?"

Rob smiled. "Yup! He's doing all the special effects. What an absolute chad."

You agreed. What a (sexy) chad.


Planning for the band competition was pretty cringe, not gonna lie.

You had to pack up all the band members stuff by yourself: The drums, guitars, microphones, all of it.

You gave a quick glance at the guitar. When you were younger, you always wanted to learn how to shred and SLAY BADDIE GIRLBOSS a electric guitar.

You contemplated your action before saying "only live once."

Grabbing the guitar, you messed with a couple of cords. It didn't sound bad, but it didn't sound good.

Little did you know, Joe was around the corner, wondering who was messing with the guitars.

"Hey, what's going on-" he stepped through the doorway with a coffee cup that read 'coffee cup' in comic sans on it, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw you.

You sweat dropped. "I promise I can explain- it was tempting and I've always wanted to play guitar but never had the chance so when I saw it I was like 'OHH lemme tryna and then-"
You rambled silly and quirky like before Joe stopped you.

"If you wanted to play guitar with me, you could've just asked, love."

Blush spiraled up your neck and cheeks, your face hot. Did he just say that?

"Well... I'm kinda bad at guitar. I wouldn't mind a bit of help."

He was one step ahead, sitting down his Comic Sans coffee cup and sit down next to you. "Well, first of all you have to tune it right. Secondly," he wrapped his hand around yours and guided your fingers to the right places. "You have to be coordinated. Just feel the music. You can read music right? Try this. That's the D cord, that's the G cord-"

He continued to explain all the guitar things but you couldn't focus your mind. He called you love.

"GOT IT! Definitely. Just follow the music sheet and..."


You don't know why, but you closed your eyes and just felt the music. Your fingers brushed agaisnt the strings, creating a rock n' roll harmony you didn't know you could do. You just stared in shock, looking back at Joe after you hit a riff.

A smile came over your face. "Maybe I should replace you, Joe Man."

He count tear his eyes from you, his OrBs holding a look between awe and amazement.

He smirked, eyes half closed as he titled his head to face you. The next words out of his mouth made your heart soar.

"That's my girl."


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