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*this story is such a meme at this point that I've started forgetting the plot- have fun lol*

The events of yesterday plague your mind. Who would leave a note like that? Where are the song lyrics? What's even going on?

You were beyond stressed. You can't tell Joe or anyone for that matter about the note; that would just make this mysterious persons threat against Joe more present.

But how do you explain the song lyrics being gone? You're so done for.

Pulling on a cardigan, you walk out of your apartment as fast as you can. Staying in that room any longer is gonna give you a headache.

Subconsciously, you walk to Joe's room.

"Hopefully we can be friends?"


You hate that word.

Not subconsciously, you walk right past Joe's room, and head for Andrews instead. You still haven't really gotten an explanation for the outburst against Will Wood. Something about songwriters?

One knock, then two. Then, a slam on the door because you're way too impatient. Where's Andrew?

Since he isn't at his room, you wander down to the studio where you see Zubin and Andrew chilling with Joe. They're talking about something.

"Bro, you're such an idiot"

"You think I don't know that dude?" Joe's exasperated voice filled my ears as I peaked around the corner.

"Did you seriously tell her that or are you tweakin'?" Andrew(believe it or not) spoke out from the back.

"Andrew, you know he's Joe right? He probably did that because he thought it would resolve the problem and by doing so made it way worse."

" 'hopefully we can be friends-', really dude? You actually have no friends, no father figure-"

"I get it Zubin. I felt pressured; literally! She had her mammoth bootycheeks in my room and I was scared!"(I'm crying of laughter rn I'm so sorry)

"Are you... gonna tell her the truth?!?!?" Andrew whispered, flipping his hair like an emo girl.

"When's the right time?"

Zubin pointed in your direction, your face peeking out behind the doorframe

"Perfect Timing!"


*Will Woods secret lair of secrets*

"What a fool! Nyhehehehe!" Will cackled mischievously, shuffling the assorted papers. Half of them had literal D O G W A T E R stains riddling the front, but the only thing he needed was the content. He began photocopying the papers, before handing them to his assistant, Quandale Dingle.

"Take these to our little friend, return them will you?"

Quandale nodded, turning his neck a full 360° like an owl.

"All is going according to PLANNNN!!!"

❤️❤️ joe hawley x reader ❤️❤️ [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now