•When yo girl pops you in smash bros•

419 12 24


I smiled like a maniac, ready to hit Joe with a Rest from jigglypuff. It may be impossible, but I'll try, right? One stock, no time limit. Time to clap some cheeks.

No words were exchanged, just a small nod to each other before clicking READY!

Joe cracked his knuckles, but I just rolled my eyes. He seriously thinks he's the stuff? Well, eat ya words, joe!
The match began, joe running forward will a Lucina neutral. I shielded, pounding them up airing. He escaped out of this however, and smacked me with a neutral air, slicing through whatever combo I had planned.

After shooting up into the air, I air dodged to avoid any up smash from Joe. I knew he was slightly annoyed, because I heard him grunt in frustration. So far the scores were Joe at 45% and I was at 67%. Just a little more...

He forward smashed me causing me to get slightly frustrated. I think it's time I hit the combo that Rob told me. Getting closer to go in advance, I lunged.

Pound, side air, up air.. and....


Silence filled the room for a few moments after the announcer screamed "GAME!" Then all heck broke loose.

Ross began screaming, tears streaming down his face. Rob chugged an entire Minute Maid in 3 seconds before choking on it while celebrating, Andrew was being Andrew, and zubin was fortnite dancing.(hopefully ironically.)

I smiled, turning to Joe. The only look I could seem to find on his face was a dumbfounded expression. Then, his eyes showed a different emotion. Pride maybe?

"Hah! I told you, I said-" I cut off when I heard Joe laughing softly.

He must have been dared to do it. That, or he was pumped for adrenaline. He leaned in close to my ear, and I could feel his hair feathering across my cheek.

"Well done. I'm.. impressed." He whispered.

I blew up, my face heated and flustered. Holy crap why did he do that? Why did I sorta like it? UGH! Stop thinking.

He seemed sorta amused but also slightly concerned at the red and pink hues that dusted my cheeks. I couldn't help a stupid girly smile creep up into my face.

"You did well too! I only knew that because Rob showed me. I didn't wanna one you up, but.." I started full out laughing along with the rest of the tallyhall members. "Worth it. I mean, you kinda suck at this game, sooooo..."

"Take that back, or I swear I'll chase you down in the game and out the game." He retorted, and I stood up, backing away slowly.

Grin on my face, and a heart full of joy, I muttered. "Never."

After a very intense game of tag (and a bit of hide and seek), we were all exhausted, sprawled out on the floor.

However, one by one all the members began to head out.

"Got some Nicki Minaj music videos to watch"
"Need to do some work for the NCLD."
"Gotta give the lovebirds some space."
-Zubin(he whispered this to Joe, which caused a whack to the shoulder.)

"Well," I said, getting up with Joe and stretching out. I turned to him, and gave a full on closed smile.

Resting my hand on my hip, I thanked him.
"Today was... good? The fight wasn't, but I think.." I opened my eyes, looking at Joes BALLS OF SIGHT (A/N: 😭😭💀💀), aka his eyes. "Spending it will you and the others made it more fun. Specifically.."

Getting up into my tippy toes, I placed a soft kiss onto his cheek, pecking him lightly. I was doing this because it felt right. This was something I felt right doing.


It was my turn to feel amused and concerned for Joe, who's face was a brighter red than his Tie. He looked like he was in the verge of breaking down, like he didn't know what to do. Was this the guy who just whispered in my ear? Doesn't seem like it right now.

All in all, today was a pretty great day.

❤️❤️ joe hawley x reader ❤️❤️ [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang