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Joe Hawley POV- more fluff for y'all thirsty tallyhall children

After the rest of the tallyhall members came back, we had sometime to kill. So naturally, we played UNO.

I smirked and began the cycle of utter chaos waiting to unfold.

I placed down a Red 8 card down. And laughed like a maniac.

"GET IT?" I continued to cackle like a demon in my seat.

"Oh my God(hhh sorry) JOE EVERYTIME." Rob said, placing down a yellow 8.

Everyone just stared rob down for a few seconds. He gave a confused look before realizing. "No! That was a coincidence man!" He began crying, tears flying down his face as he played a yellow +4 card. "Take that *sniffle* ANDREW."

Andrew glared at Rob before placing a yellow reverse card and a +4 card.

"Bruh. You suck." Rob jeered, poking him a couple times. Not good.

Andrew stood up, threw some gang signs, and then pounced at Rob. Rob screeched like an owl before they started wrestling on the ground.

"Let's just ignore them and continue." Ross smiled. "I'll continue it."

Ross placed down another +4 onto the original,  placing it onto Y/n. She scrunched up her nose like a cute bunny before taking 4 cards, and then instantly pokerfacing.

"Ya'll are about to get popped. Bad."

She placed 4 green cards, a change colors card, changed it to yellow, and then placed two more down. Leaving her with..

"UNO! HAHAHHA" she began laughing and pointing at me. "Whatchu gonna do joe?" She teased. I knew she meant well, but it's time to completely demolish her.

My last three remaining cards were a yellow 8, a yellow 6, and a red 8.

"Yellow 6, yellow 8, uno, red 8, uno out." I placed my hands on my face innocently as she snorted.

"Yeah yeah. Dont worry Joe, I'm gonna win next time." She announced proudly.


After a few more rounds of uno, won by yours truly, we had to help y/n set up her room, since her mother had, and I quote, said this.

"That nasty, booty looking dog can't come back to no home of mahne. I gotta new hubby now so we can't have our home stinking up because of that talking Ben looking thing. If I-"

And it cut off at that. It was a voicemail sent directly to Ross is just a drummer inc.

And if I'm being honest, it made my blood boil.

How heartless is her mother? Y/n deserves a lot better than that, yet she's had to live like this? It made me upset, and I had no idea why.

Nobody knew how y/n was taking it, but I never had a moment to ask. Now, we need to help her move her things.

I volunteered to do it, since she only had a small suitcase of stuff. It was extremely light, I could probably picked it up with my pinky finger. But I didn't say that and helped her carry it up the stairs. She looked off to the side the entire time.

"I'm sorry. About your mom I mean."

What the heck am I doing? I've never felt this emotion before. Is it sympathy? No. Joe Hawley doesn't do sympathy, sorry.

All she did was nod, and that only made the emotion explode tenfold. AEUGH. I hate this.

"If you wanna talk Im here." I held up thw suitcase with one hand and placed the other on her shoulder.

DONT say it ok! I've never comforted people before so I don't know how. I didn't ever need too.

"My mom sucks. I just realized that." She gave a weak smile before continuing to her apartment room 207. "Thank you. I appreciate it." We walked into her new room and.. wow.

It was a pretty nice room. It had a queen sized bed with a ton of pillows, a nice desk in the corner, a bookshelf , and even a hot tub in the bathroom.

"Woah. My room is beautiful!" She went and jumped onto the bed, face first.
"I haven't had pillows in forever! My mom said it was because my head and brain were so small I wouldn't need one."


"Well it's all yours. I'll meet you down at the recording area tonig-"

She grabbed my wrist, causing me to whip my head back, my mouth agape and my cheeks dusted with a shade of pink.

"Thank you. Really." She gave me a brighter closed eye smile, and I rubbed the back of my neck anxiously.

'Her hands are so soft..'
Agh. STOP IT JOE. Get it together.

"Your welcome. Don't expect it to be an everyday thing, shorty."

I walked out of the room, before breaking out in the widest smile I've ever had.

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