Evie x reader

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"I hear you have found another candidate for the Peace Syndicate, Evie?" I questioned, flicking on the coffee machine.
"Yep. They're quite good," she answered as I gulped down my coffee quickly. She held her plate up to me. "Sushi?" She offered. I shook my head.
"I'm fine, thanks," I denied, brushing off shoulders of my suit.
"What? Do you not like sushi?" She asked in dismay, watching me shake my head in response. She muttered, "damnitt I need to go buy mints..."
"Pardon?" I chuckled feebly, "sorry I wasn't listening."
She blushed. "No no, it's nothing, I'll see you later."
I opened my mouth to say something. "Bye!"
I looked at her as she bolted out the room, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

The next morning when I did my usual routine of getting coffee, Evie wasn't there like she normally was. She was always getting breakfast at this time, and she was never late when it comes to sushi.
Did I do something wrong yesterday?

I knocked on Evie's door gently.
"Hey Evie?" I called softly. "Are you in there? You didn't come down for breakfast and-"
The door was pulled open, and Evie smiled at me.
"What's up, (F/n)?" She questioned softly, tilting her head.
"Nothing," I answered. "I'm just making sure your alright because you weren't there for breakfast."
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied before we fell into and awkward silence. "Is that all you needed..?" She coaxed.
"Oh um w-well- this new noodle shop opened in Mega City and I don't want to go alone, so do you wanna come with me?" I stammered quickly, a deep blush crawling up my face as I tripped and rolled over my own words. She smiled.
"Sure! It'll be nice to have a break from sushi!"

We had both ordered the spiciest noodles they had, and I was slurping them up easily, greatly enjoying the strong spice, while Evie was practically suffocating on the strong scent alone.
"Oh my God-" she panted, having only eaten literally one fork-full before she was blowing on her own tongue. "(F/n)! How do you do that?!"
I had already slurped up most of my noodles, enjoying the strong, almost painful burn in my mouth.
"What?" I asked, tilting my head with pure, innocent confusion. "I think they're really good."
I eyed her bowl with a 'are you going to eat that?' look on my face, and she coughed before pushing the bowl over to me.
"Go ahead," she coughed.
I proceeded to slurp all the noodles down, staring straight into her eyes as if she was challenging me.
Meanwhile she was sitting gaping at me as I placed the second empty bowl next to the first.
"Done," I quipped simply, my lips stinging harshly.
"I don't know how you deal with that spic-" I cut her off by leaning across the table and smashing my hot lips against hers.
"Oh, darling, you should have a taste."

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