Chaos Agent x reader

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I felt like it and I don't know why. Also I wrote this on the edge of a panic attack so I'm very sorry-

SHADOW guards everywhere. Why in the hell did that man choose to attack SHADOW'S main base? His brain might as well be made of solid gold!
I was literally only a GHOST engineer, I shouldn't of been here.
Oh well, I am anyway.
I smacked a guard over the head with my wrench.
Eugh that must've hurt. Not like he had braincells to lose anyway.
I ran down the corridors.
I have no idea where I was going- AGH!
I backed away slowly from the....person(question mark) that I had just crashed into.
"Um.....heh well you see..." I muttered. "I think, this is the wrong way." I turned, and before I could even get anywhere, the SHADOW leader picked me up easily by the collar of my shirt.
"Where are you going, princess?" It- he(another question mark) purred.
Why is there goo seeping from underneath the gas mask....
"I was hoping, away from here. Like I don't even want to be here. Also why is there-" the goo dropped down and began slowly crawling up my neck. "-goo coming out of your mask..."
"You might learn more about it in about 20 seconds," he responded smartly, using his free hand to fix his tie.
"Please, Im about to get swallowed by your pet beetle and the only thing you're thinking about is looking sophisticated. Brilliant," I stated sarcastically, pulling my head back at the small blob touched my chin. My feet were flailing a few inches off the ground, desperately trying to find a foothold.
"It's not a beetle. It's a small fraction of a chemical agent that is 1: very flammable 2: very corro-"
"You expect me to understand all that? I'm only an engineer not a biologist!"
His white goggles stared blankly at me.
"An engineer?" He asked warily. His pet blob retreated from my face, and I cringed in unease as it left a slick trail down my face.
Without letting my feet even graze the ground, he carried me effortlessly to some sort of torture chamber.
"This would be my lab, actually. But a torture chamber could work too," Chaos Agent stated, practically throwing me into a chair.
"Do you mind?" I growled. He looked over briefly.
"Shut up or I'll get more of my beetles to attack you," he purred. Was that a hint of amusement in his tone? "Now. What do you know about The Device?"
I groaned.
"Anything to keep away from you and your beetles...." 

Chaos Agent pulled his helmet off, and I immediately took this chance to say something sarcastic.
"So you're just a big ass beetle?"

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