Dr Slone

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(This wasn't a request, i just wanted to do it)

I stumbled through the vast halls of I.O's main base. It was late at night, and my project i was working on had been completed. I'm the head Engineer and one of the Tech Designers, by the way.
The corridors were dark, and not many people were here since I stayed in after my shift to finish said project. It wasn't an important project, it was only a drill, but I didn't like leaving it half finished.
I was of high importance to I.O, which is why everyone found it strange that I always stumbled around with my head down. Usually if you were of importance, you would stride around with your head held high, but that wasn't me. I was too shy for that sort of behaviour.
I had been to lost in my thoughts to notice Slone walking out of her office in front of me, and I stumbled straight into her.
I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"I-I am so sorry m-ma'am. I di-didn't see you," i stammered nervously. It was normal for me to be this jumpy. She held a finger up to my lips.
"It's alright, (L/n)," she chuckled. I burned dark red.
"Y-yeah right s-sorry," I mumbled.
"Stop saying sorry," she said.
"Yeah okay so-" I began, biting my tongue half way through as she raised her eyebrows at me in the dark.
"Anyway, what are you doing here? Your shift ended hours ago," she asked in confusion.
"I um, d-didn't want to leave the d-drill unfinished," I answered quietly.
"Alright," she responded, arching an eyebrow.
Even though I was taller than her, I still felt small under her gaze. In all honesty, I was taller than a lot of people. I was one of those people who were tall and slender. I still had a lot of muscle, but my hips, arms, legs, neck and so on were all slim and long. My fingers too, we're also long and slender, able to grip anything with an incredible force. There is another reason people find it strange that I'm so shy, as anyone who didn't know me would freeze under my gaze.
"Well I'll see you tomorrow, right?" She asked, shooting me a wink. I burned dark red. She winks at a lot of people, as she is just one of those flirts. But this made me feel funny, like butterflies fluttering in my gut.
"Y-yes ma'am," I mumbled, hair falling into my eyes.
"Just Slone is fine, don't tell anyone though," she shot me another wink before striding pridefully down the corridor.

I stumbled into work. I wasn't in a very good mood today, who would be when they got little to no sleep?
I glared at anyone who even just glanced at me, and everybody was intimidated purely by how tall and muscular I was. Anyone could see the muscle rippling under my 'Engineering clothes' despite how slim I was. And I have fighting skills, too. So that gives people another reason to not bother me.
I walked into my personal workshop, slammed and locked the door before getting to work on one of the tanks.
I slid under the tank on my creeper (go google it) and began wrenching all the bolts into place.

Not long after I began, the door whooshed open, making the lock pointless. I growled.
"What is the point of a damn lock if anyone cabe come-" I paused as I slid out and saw Slone.
"-prancing in...." I finished slowly.
She arched her eyebrow.
"Did you just growl at me?" She asked.
"I-I'm so s-sorry ma-I mean Slone," i stammered, immediately going back to my shy, nervous personality. She chuckled and walked over, looking down on my face from where she stood next to my creeper.
"I was just coming to check up on you, I've heard you're not in a great mood," she purred.
I gulped, rolling my head back to avoid looking at her.
"I-I'm just t-tired," I mumbled. She raised an eyebrow and nodded, a smirk on her face.
"You can take the day off, just see me in my office first, alright?" She smiled.
"S-sure," I stuttered.
By the time she left, my face was bright red.

I stumbled through the corridors, heading to Slone's office like she had ordered.
I shakily knocked on the door, and in seconds she had pulled me inside before locking her door. I didn't get a chance to breath before I was being held against the wall with her lips brushing over the underside of my jaw.
"S-Slone...?" I stuttered, burning a bright red.
"If you're not going to say anything, I will," she whispered against my jaw before pressing a light kiss to my skin.
Every cell in my body felt like it was burning, and it showed in my red face just how nervous I was. She breathed heavily against my neck, and I could already feel her lipgloss on my neck. She pulled me gently over to a chair, still keeping her face in my neck as I breathed raggedly against the side of her face.
She nudged me into the chair and settled in my lap. I blushed dark red as she pressed our lips together, my slender fingers running up her body to her shoulders.
I gasped softly into her mouth every so often, and she smiled against my lips.
I was trembling from nervousness against her, and she pulled back slightly to acknowledge it.
"Just relax, don't be so nervous~" she cooed, brushing my hair behind my ear with her fingers.
"I-I'm sorry S-Slone," I stammered, ears burning. She smiled and pressed gentle kisses to my neck, nipping my skin between her teeth occasionally.
I didn't really know what to do with my hands, or my legs.....or my-
Okay. I just didn't know what to do.
I'm very smart, and am never usually this stuck. But I've never been.....romantically active before. So I just kind of sat there and let her kiss me, occasionally running my fingers up her hips.

So things have gotten a lot less awkward with Slone now. I don't even stutter around her any more, I just speak quietly. I still stutter with everyone else though, but it always made Slone laugh that me, a big, tall, intimidating person, could be so incredibly shy.
Though, Slone is really pissed at everyone, and it's all Jones's fault. He left. He betrayed us all.
He's a traitor. But he was a good friend of mine.
But i wanted to cheer Slone up, she was really scary when she yells. And when she is angry, she yells at everyone, including me.
I stumbled to her office and gently pushed the door open.
"What now?!" Slone immediately yelled, pausing as she looked up to see me shrinking away.
"I-I didn't mean to- um," I stammered.
Wonderful. My stutter is back.
Her eyes immediately softened and she walked over to me before wrapping her arms around my neck. My breath hitched in my throat, but I wrapped my long arms around her waist.
"Sorry about that," she murmured against my neck. I let out a mild squeak in response, burning with embarrassment at the accidental squeak.

"Geez I know we've been in war for a long time, but I'm still not ready for the main event," I muttered nervously to Slone.
"You'll be with me, that's something right?" She asked.
"Oh, that's everything," I responded.
"Oh I fixed your tank, by the way," I added. She grinned.
"Thank you, (F/n)," she responded. I gave a small smile.
"I'm the head mechanic, it's what I do," I giggled.
"And I'm your boss, so don't get too cocky," she retorted, walking forward to stand in front of me.
All I did was grim her jaw with my long, slim fingers, and press my lips against hers.

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