The Origin x Reader

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"You need to stop working so hard, Ori."
"We're in war. I can't stop working."
"But you need rest."
"So do our soldiers."
"Our soldiers chose to fight for us. That's their problem."
"I chose to fight for The Seven, and I'm not going to stop until I have showed them how grateful I am."
I sighed. The war had taken its toll on The Origin, anyone could see it.
I stood behind his chair, my hands rested on his shoulders as I nuzzled his neck.
"Don't try to soften me up," he groaned, "it isn't going to work."
I pressed a slow kiss to his neck. "Oh, but I think it will," I murmured, "if I try hard enough."
He clicked his tongue, his mouth falling open slightly in a look he always makes. It literally reads 'I have no idea what to say right now.'
He twirled his pencil in between his fingers, staring at the words in front of him. But as I continued kissing his neck and rubbing his shoulders up and down, he knew it was too late. He could only make out a fuzzy blur through his eyes.
How did I get him to swoon so easily?
I laughed lightly. "Now I just have you wrapped around my finger, don't I, pet?" I purred, pushing my thumb into a particular nerve in his shoulder, drawing a poorly restrained gasp from him.
He didn't really trust his mouth to answer reasonably, so he just bit his lip in response.
He could barely see the words he was writing. His mind was too fuzzy. But he still refused to put that damn pencil down.
"Why are you so persistent....?" He muttered under his breath, feeling a wide grin against his neck.
"Why are you so arrogant?" I retorted in a whisper, finally retreating from his neck to rest my head on his. His flame wasn't harmful, not to me anyway, he made sure of it. I snaked my arms around his neck from behind, my fingers tracing the armour on his chest until they finally found the crystal I was searching for. He shuddered harshly at the touch of my cold fingers against his warm heart, the blue crystal flickering in time with my taps.
My voice was hypnotic to him as I spoke. "Now put that damn pencil onto the desk, and stop working."
A harsh bite to his neck froze him in place.
"I'm sorry," I murmured with a venomously sweet tone, "I didn't hear you."
The Origin hesitated, before the pencil fell to the desk with a clatter, and he rolled back in his chair. I think he was almost in a trance from my voice alone, or maybe the bite to his neck just sent him into spirals. Either way, the pencil was on the desk.
I grinned widely and patted his head. "Good boy."
He raised his eyebrows with a 'really?' look on his face, and I pressed a kiss to his surprisingly soft, blue lips.
I settled in his lap, and gave a sly smile. "Knowing you," I began in a whisper, pressing my lips to the underside of his jaw, "you'll want to punish me for that, won't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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