Geno x reader

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(Okay just a note for this one shot, the reader is the mother of Imagined and Order, which means I'm making her look like them. So the reader has ginger hair, with Order's eyes and freckles like Imagined)

I grinned at the slightly older man next to me.
"Geno? When are we actually going to make our first move against The Seven?" I asked.
"Patience (F/n), the war has barely started!" He chuckled in amusement. I huffed.
"Oh come on, you know I'm not patient," I muttered. He let out a breathy chuckle.
"Oh I know," he responded, grinning down at me curled in his lap. I grunted, far from being amused.
"I'm going to go work on some of the tanks," I muttered, getting up.

"(F/n)?" Geno asked, watching as I immediately perked up to listen.
"I have a task for you, a very important task,"
Now I'm intrigued.
I walked over to him as he slid blueprints across his desk. I looked at the blueprints.
There was the name of the device in the corner of the page.
The Collider.
I looked up at him with a sly grin.
"We're finally doing something huh?" I purred.
He smirked.
"If you're up for it," he chuckled. I grinned mischievously and proudly.
"Course I am," I responded, pressing a kiss to his face before turning and striding to the door. I glanced over my shoulder before I left, and asked one simply question.
"What of The Imagined and The Order?"

I huffed as I climbed up The Collider all the way to the four crystals piercing through the core. I could hear Geno's words echoing in my head from a couple days ago.
These crystals.....they will implode the Zero Point, so I can make a new one.....a safer one. But don't worry, I'll protect you, and The Seven, including....them.
I sighed and climbed higher, about half way up The Collider to make sure that Geno would be able to start The Collider.
"Alright....don't look down....(F/n) don't look down...." I muttered to myself, before subconsciously looking down.
"Damn it....I knew I shouldn't have looked down," I muttered.
"Scared of heights?" A silky voice purred in my ear. I nearly jumped out of my skin, barely catching myself and dropping my wrench.
"Geno! Don't do that!" I yelled as he caught my wrench and clipped it back to my belt.
He smiled sheepishly, floating smoothly next to me.
"Sorry," he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms before flying down to the ground.
I sighed in relief as he placed me down.
"Thanks," I muttered. He looked up.
"Is it finished?" He asked. I nodded.
"It is," I confirmed, twirling my wrench between my fingers.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a few small kisses to my neck.

I watched Geno fly up to the now active Collider, the mech having already fallen into the trap. I was unaware of a few people lurking in the trees.
Scientist, Wolverine, Imagined and Order, to be specific.
All they could see was my back and my ginger/red hair resting down the back of my neck.
They were all very intrigued by my appearance, glancing between me, Imagined and Order.
I narrowed my eyes and turned around, scanning the trees.
I didn't see anyone, until everyone emerged from the leaves with Imagined and Order at the front. My eyes widened, mouth running dry at the sight of my two daughters. They were scanning me carefully as I took a few steps back, sending rocks tumbling down the cliff face and into the trap we set for the mech.
"You're......" Imagined began, pointing at me in disbelief. Order was equally shocked.
"Your mother?" I finished, a question in my tone.
"Yes, I am," I added.
They slowly stumbled over to me, and I bit my lip as my heel pressed against the edge of the cliff. I was 90% sure that they were going to pierce their blades right through me once they got close enough, but the 10% chance that they didn't ended up paying off as they wrapped their arms around me. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around them in return, but paused as a faint beeping sounded in my ear. I pressed to fingers against my earpiece, and heard Geno's voice over the comms, attracting the attention of both the girls.
"(F/n)! The Collider is about to implode, and it wasn't me!" He yelled over the loud crackling of stored electricity.
"What the hell did you do?!" I yelled back.
"I told you it wasn't me!"
I snapped my fingers, and a large mechanical dragon flew over the edge of the cliff.
"Woah!" The girls looked at it in awe. I fixed my sleeve before climbing on.
"I know. Made it myself," I purred with a smirk. They jumped on.
"Now it's time to save reality."

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