The Imagined x reader pt2

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A part 2 was requested of me, and now I have delivered.

"I'll see you at The Sanctuary, 5pm, don't be late."
The Imagined's voice rang in my head. I looked at the time, 4:30pm. I was practically dying to get up and go early, but I didn't want anyone to see me. She specifically said that it would be more fun if nobody saw me.
At about 4:45pm, I began running to The Sanctuary to see The Imagined.
I would get there at 5pm.

I did get there at 5pm, and she was waiting for me around the side of The Sanctuary.
"Right on time, looper," she purred. "So far you're good at everything." I gave a small grin, my face lighting up into a light pink. She gripped my jaw and turned my head up towards her. She grinned slyly. "And you blush at everything. It's adorable."
"I-I.....t-thanks?" I mumbled. She captured my lips on hers without another word, spinning me around to the wall.
"Imagined? Is that you?" The Origin's voice called from right around the corner. She smirked at me as I froze, eyes going large.
She wrapped a hand over my mouth.
"Quiet now," she whispered in my ear, so The Origin wouldn't hear.
We heard him hum once, and then his heavy footsteps got quieter, something along the lines of 'I must be hearing things' muttering from his mouth. She grinned triumphantly at me.
"You see? That old man wouldn't know stealth if it hit him over the head," she laughed quietly. She traced her fingers lightly down my shoulder, tilting my chin in her hand. "Tell me, looper. How many parts of The Sanctuary do you think we could kiss in before being caught?" She purred. I blinked thoughtfully, before a cheeky grin spread over my face. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, looper?"

So the first was right outside of The Foundation's room. We were going to do this outside of all of the other Seven members' rooms, and see if any of them caught us.
This was a very fun game. It meant a million kisses with a very pretty woman.
It also involves me being held against 6 different walls.

Next was The Scientist, but he was never in his room so we made out right outside of the door to his lab, that we could hear him shuffling around in. The Imagined giggled quietly.
"This is fun, isn't it looper?" She purred against my lips. Every time her lips rubbed against mine, was like a bolt of electricity jolting through my body. I nodded vigorously, and she quickly pulled me away when The Scientist's door whooshed open. He would've caught us if we were even a second slower.

The Origin, the one I was the most afraid of, was next. But I wasn't willing to bail out because of fear, then she would stop kissing me.
"Don't worry looper, if he catches us I'll tell him it was my idea," The Imagined giggled fearlessly.
"You're not afraid of him?-" her lips crashed against mine.
"Of course not. I've dealt with him for a very long time," she muttered against my lips.
I hummed, one hand resting in her beautiful red hair.

Next was The Visitor and The Paradigm, who's rooms were literally right next to each other, so we could kill two birds with one stone. It would mean less kissing though.
The Paradigm came out to check what the noise was at one point, but missed us.

The Imagined pushed me up against the wall next to the last door, attacking my lips with her own violently.
"Do you mind not doing this right outside my room? I though I taught both of you how to be stealthy?"
The Imagined looked up.
"Dammit Ord, you were the last one!"

The Imagined smirked at me, finally back into her own room.
"So are you done kissing for the day?" She asked playfully. I shook my head.
"Of course not."

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