Agent Jones

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"I WOULD RATHER WORK WITH A TOASTER!!" Jones yelled at the Artificial Machine Intelligence Engine, AMIE for short.
"RIGHT (F/N)?!" She added. I huffed and glanced back at them.
"Don't drag me into this unless you're making me breakfast," I growled. She hissed in annoyance.
"Butter please, and make the toast crispy," I added as Jones snorted. I turned back to my desk.
"So anyway, I'm looking at The Scie-"
AMIE immediately bolted forward, throwing my chair out of the way and sending me flying out of it.
"THE SCIENTISTS NOTES?!" She squealed as I groaned, my helmet having hit the table hard. Jones sighed and walked over, holding out his hand for me. He pulled me up.
"Thanks Jones," I muttered. His face turned a light pink.
"No problem," he responded.

Another message from Paradigm. She needed EVERYTHING the Scientist had on the Zero Point. This is going to take awhile......and dumpster digging.
"I dibs not doing it!" I yelled immediately, raising my hand. Jones huffed.
"That's not how it works," he grumbled. I ruffled his soft, blonde hair.
"Course it is, have fun!" I purred.
"Hmph!" He hummed frustratedly, crossing his arms and trudging away.

"You got them?" I asked as Jones walked back in again. He nodded drowsily, seemingly having already had a shower before coming back to me. He flopped onto the sofa, huffing tiredly. I sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder. He burned dark red. I drew gentle circles on his neck as he gulped.
"For someone who has just been digging through dumpsters, you don't smell that bad," I purred.
"I-uh...thanks," he stammered. I breathed heavily against his neck, and felt a shudder pass through him. AMIE burst through the door and we immediately jumped apart.
"(F/n)! Can you come help me for a bit?" She asked. I placed a quick kiss to Jones's neck.
"Be back soon," I purred and shot him a wink.

Okay, so Paradigm has a plan for the Zero Point, but we need to make a plan to get the rest of The Seven out of captivity. That means we have to figure out how to kill The Herald, and make something that can break open the chrome cages they're trapped in.
I could manipulate the chrome and make some sort of saw with it, then I could use that to cut the cages open!
I immediately got to work, but the first step would be getting the chrome to harden in one solid piece. Actually, the first step is finding a safe way to obtain the chrome.

I grumbled. I had gotten the chrome, but it involved a LOT of work and tree climbing. But at least it was hardened now. This was one of our only hopes to getting those cages open. The only 'metal' that's is strong enough to break through
"Fuel the forge Jones!" I ordered. He nodded and did just that. I began making the small saws necessary to get The Seven out.

We crept up to the chrome archway on the side of The Herald's main room in The Herald's Sanctum. The Seven were in chrome cages along the back of the room. They saw us and we nodded.
"Stick to the plan, understand?" Jones whispered. I nodded through my helmet. He ran around the edge of the room, towards The Seven while I ran straight towards The Herald. I pulled my blades out of my holsters as she turned around. I leaped into the air and raised my blades above my head, faltering as I saw her pull out a large floral sword. I swerved as she pointed it right towards me.

Jones used one of the little saws on The Foundation's cage.
"Who made the saws?" The Foundation whispered. Jones nodded to me, earning a nod back from The Foundation as they moved to The Scientist's cage. Jones handed a couple saws to The Foundation and they both moved to open the other cages.

I let out a screech as The Herald's blade slashed up my neck, throwing my helmet straight off. The sword slashed up my neck, across my left cheek, over my lips and across my right eye.
"(F/N)!!" I heard Jones scream as I staggered. As a last ditch effort, I speared my blades through The Herald's chest. She died.

Jones watched me stagger before collapsing to the ground. He rushed over to me, and froze when he saw my face, his own face paling in horror. I had a long scar travelling up my neck and face, but that wasn't the part that made him want to throw up. The blade had slashed right over my right eye. My eye was oozing with blood and was dripping down my face.
"Jesus Christ......" The Foundation trailed off, not knowing what to say. Jones could see me twitching in agony. He spasmed in horror.
"She's....alive!" Jones choked out.
"She is!" The Scientist confirmed.
"We might as well leave her, she's lying on her death bed anyw-" The Origin began.
"No! Do you not understand that she's the only reason I managed to get you all out?! She made the plan, the saws, managed to control AMIE and managed to translate Paradigm's messages!" Jones interrupted angrily.
"Then we must help her!" The Order exclaimed.

I have healed a bit. Obviously the scars weren't going away, and every twitch of my facial muscles hurt, but im alive. I still have my eye, but its blind, with a long slice across it. I couldn't smile-or heck, I couldn't even talk. I just stare, no emotion, and everyone except The Seven and Jones tremble under my gaze. The Seven try to act normal, but I could practically feel their pity. Jones however, didn't. Jones treated me like I was normal. He cared, and could stare right into my eye with a smile. He even helped me get around sometimes, as I was still adjusting to being half blind. He yelled at The Seven for every wrong word or stare, and would always be there when he sensed that I was sad. Which is why he is sitting next to me now.
"So anything specific you want to do?" He asked. I looked at him and gave a small shake of my head. He nodded.
"Okay..." he mumbled. I twiddled my thumbs slowly. I nudged his ankle to get his attention and he looked at me. I leaned forward and he blushed as our faces were mere inches away from each other. Our lips connected in a gentle kiss, that did involve a slight wince from me because my scar went over my lips.

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