The Origin x reader

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This actually was a request.

"Heyyyy (F/n)!" The Scientist greeted cheerfully, bursting into my room. I groaned and pulled the blankets further up over my head.
"Go away, Sci! I'm sleeping!" I yelled, muffled by the blankets.
"Sleeping people don't talk!" He chirped, pulling the blankets off me and tossing them to the floor. "Come on! It's 1 pm we have plans!"
"What plans?" I grumbled drowsily. He blinked his big, brown eyes.
"We're binge watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars?" He prompted.
"Oh yea, so I can watch you swoon over Ashoka Tano?" I lifted my head lazily as he gave a grin.
"Precisely," he responded.
"What in the hell are you two doing?" The Origin muttered, poking his head around the door.
"We're about to watch Star Wars!" The Scientist responded cheerfully.
"Oh.....can I join?" The Origin asked.
"Awww he's that desperate for a cuddle," The Scientist awed teasingly, watching The Origin erupt into bright blue.
"We're already on like the fourth series, you won't understand anything," I muttered drowsily to The Origin.
"Why are you spending so much time with him anyway?" He asked, trying not to let his burning jealously show.
"Because he watches Star Wars...?" I muttered in confusion.
"How about, we watch the Star Wars movies with Ori and Para?" The Scientist suggested. "They'd be able to understand if we start at the beginning."
I waved a hand.
"Whatever," I mumbled, curling into a tight ball.
"YESSSS IM GETTING PARAAA!" The Scientist yelled, bolting past The Origin.
"Give me my blankets back- and he's gone," I yawned, peeking my eyes open as my blankets were laid over me.
"He'll be a million years with that girl," The Origin muttered.
"I'll be a million years in bed, jealous pants," I yawned.
"I'm not jealous!" He argued.
"You never watch Star Wars," I stated.
"You've claimed that you're not gay, so you're not wanting to hang out with Sci."
"I just want company!"
"You're also an introverted bean."
"FINE IM JEALOUS!" He yelled.
"Called it," I muttered flatly.
"Why do you spend so much time with Sci? You never...."
"Spend time with you?" I finished, arching an eyebrow. He nodded slowly. "Well that's because you're always busy. Sci at least takes a few breaks."
"So if I take breaks, you'll hang out with me?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him.
"Course, you big softie," I laughed.
"I'm not soft," he responded arrogantly.
"Mhm sure," I hummed, hovering my lips slightly over his. "How long have you been trying to get my attention for?"
"Too long," he replied before pressing his lips against mine. That was when The Scientist decided to come back.

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