"Oh, don't pretend like you didn't know we were dating. It's pathetic. You met us both on the same night at that boring club, remember?" Silvia asked and Mr. McCoy instantly sent her a look. She looked on dully for a moment for before that dusty light bulb finally sparked to life for a mere moment in her head.

"Oh! That's right! You don't remember. Someone took a little too many drugs that night, didn't she?" Her lips turned up into the most hellish smile imaginable.

Pure evil this one is.

"Now don't play stupid; that acts just getting old." The jab cut her down a peg or two and my pride swelled. "I'm sure you're boyfriend told you all about what actually happened that night and the fact that someone slipped something in my drink."

She huffed out a breath of air and stared at her nails, seemingly bored with the conversation. "Whatever, I'm sure you deserved it. Whoever did it was probably one of the many girls who you had screwed their boyfriends. They deserve to get even."

My vision spontaneously went white with anger.

"I've never helped anyone cheat ever and I never would."

I sent a glare towards Mr. McCoy. He shook his head and opened his mouth to speak yet I had no interest in his words so I cut him off. "And besides, he's my professor," I spoke while pinning my eyes on his as I said each and every next word.

"I have absolutely no interest in dating a professor. Never have. Never will." He pleaded with me silently while I spoke, yet nothing got through to me. Nothing from him ever would again.

Silvia seemed delighted by this fact. "Oh! I never knew that you were his student. How peachy. Now I know for sure nothing will ever happen between you two. Not that he would ever be into you anyways"

"And I would never be into him. He's just not my type. I need a man."

Hurt flashed through Mr. McCoy's eyes.

"Excuse me but Nathan is very much a man. More of a man than you could ever handle," she snidely remarked.

"You know what, you're probably right; for once in your life" She rolled her eyes at my comment. "On that note, I'm going home. You've already depleted enough of my brain cells for one night. Now please go annoy someone else or, " I turned to my left and pointed to a sculpture made of purely plastic. Go figure. "Try and find a way to fit more of this in your face." I winked at her and turned to take my leave.

Not even a half second later I heard a fierce scream and Mr. McCoy yelled out. A loud crash echoed through the room and shards of glass and plastic splashed out over my feet and hit the back of my legs. A few of the pieces jumped up and bit at my uncovered legs, resulting in a few good scratches.

The room was deathly silent. Do I dare even turn around?

My curiosity got the better of me I spun on my heel to face the couple. Mr. McCoy's face was one of pure shock and embarrassment. Silvia on the other hand was too focused on burning a hole through my head to even notice.

"Wow, plastic and psychotic. What a perfect package," I said to Mr. McCoy sarcastically. He shook his head disbelievingly, eyes wide and mouth agape. Everyone's eyes were on the three of us, waiting to see what will happen next in our very own Jerry Springer episode.

"You know what-" Silvia started but was quickly interrupted by a seething Mr. McCoy.

"No!" he snapped. "Go home. Now." His entire body was tense and his voice meant business.

Silvia snapped her head towards him. "What? No, I didn't do anything!"

"You ruined a student's project and caused a huge scene!" He turned to her with the same cold look he gave me in his classroom. "Now, go." His tone screamed finality.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now