Chapter 8

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After a solid 20 minutes of severe hyperventilating and sobbing so hard that it had become painful, I calmed myself down enough to drive back home.

Once home, I threw on shorts and a T-shirt, grabbed myself a bottle of Merlot and went to town. Drinking away the memories of how his hands felt on my waist; hot, large, and demanding. Drinking away the hurt and embarrassment until there was nothing left, nothing but an empty bottle and numbness.

The next morning, I woke up to a blaring alarm and a throbbing headache. Reaching across my bed, I grabbed my phone to shut it off, wiping the sleep out of my eyes just enough to check the time.

Holy crap.

I had slept through my alarm for over an hour. I sprung out of my bed to get ready as fast as I possible. Yet, I only made it a few steps before collapsing back down onto my mattress.

Oh joy. Another hangover.

I quickly texted Ben to let him know I wouldn't be in class today. I was honestly relieved that I wouldn't have to face Mr. McCoy after what happened yesterday. We definitely crossed boundaries we never should have even come close to. I'm not sure how far things would have gotten if his phone hadn't of interrupted us. And to tell the truth, I was so freaking happy that we stopped before anything else could have happened.

I mean, what was I thinking? Sure, he's an insanely handsome, chiseled, charming man. But he's also a bipolar ass-hat half the time who, oh yeah, happens to be my teacher.

So new plan of action: AVOID MR MCCOY AT ALL COST.

Sounded easy enough, right? I'd just come into class right before it started and leave as soon as he dismissed us. Besides the gala on Friday, I had no other reason to see him outside of the classroom.

Thursday passed in a blur of homework and Friends episodes and before I knew it, Friday had arrived. Even though I would be forced to see Mr. McCoy today, I was actually really excited about the Gala. My parents were coming up to see me and my collage. I hadn't seen them in over a month. That was an unusually long time for me, but with all the time and energy I had to devote to this project, I just didn't have the time to go down and see them.

I was extremely lucky to only be an hour away from my parents at college. Especially since my first semester of college I was driving down there every weekend for therapy.

My parents weren't set to get here until around two so we could do some catching up and grab some dinner before the Gala. I glanced over at the clock, noticing that it was only 11 but I still needed to wake up Rachel so she could help me pick out an outfit for tonight.

Waking up that girl was a task all on its own that would take up a good 45 minutes of my time.

After finally dragging her out of bed we began trying on countless outfits. We settled on a dark purple dress that cut down just enough to show a hint of cleavage and went down to about mid-thigh. Throwing a black belt around the center of my body to cinch my slim waist even more, adding in a pair of back heels, and I was ready.

My parents weren't set to get here for at least another hour so I took that time to curl and style my hair and put on a hint of makeup.   

Staring myself down in the mirror I couldn't help but think of Mr. McCoy. I knew I was going to be seeing him today for the first time since we got a little too close for comfort. My gut clenched at the thought of seeing him again and remembering how he kicked me out with his cold, monotone voice. And his eyes. I don't think I'd ever be able to look at him again and not see that hellish, disgusted look in his eyes.

A Fractured Lover (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now