Prologue - Family Sunofureku

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Diary Entry - Day 1

I had finally found what the Master had been looking for. We didn;t have any idea what this Demon Flower would look like, but now that I've seen it in person, I can truly say it was a spectacle to behold. I had waited at this spot for hours, but was greeted with an amazing sight of Blue Spider Lilies. I had no idea these existed until now. I was instructed to destroy these flowers if we found them, but I believe I can find out many things about this flower with the right amount of time

- Sunofureku -

Diary Entry - Day 384

It's already been over a year since I found these flowers, but I've only witnessed them bloom 3 times. I expected them to bloom every day, but I never expected them to only bloom 3 days out of the year. Thankfully the Wisteria I planted when I first found this field has started to bloom. I feel much safer here now, since demons will not be able to set foot near this area now. I haven't found out much yet, but I will take as much time as I need to learn about this flower.

- Sunofureku -

Diary Entry - Day 859

The Blue Spider Lilies bloomed again yesterday, and I managed to pick quite a few and get them into the proper care for me to run experiments with them. I've been writing my findings down in another journal in another language, because if it was written in Japanese, and a demon got its hands on it, they would have every bit of knowledge about this flower. Only people from my family know this language, so it seemed like the safest bet I could take. I did manage to confirm the rumors about the flower though, and it did concern me quite a bit. I found a demon, and gave it the flower, and it didn't burn. I knew I was taking a big risk doing that, but I had to see if it was true. I did kill the demon after finding this out, and it went out with ease. Apparently this flower makes demons able to walk around during the day, but it's severely weakened. There are plenty more ideas I have, but I have to wait for the next bloom for that to happen, since all my other flowers are being used.

- Sunofureku -

Diary Entry - Day 1427

It's been many years since I started my research, but I'm surprised I've been able to keep track of the days. Things have been very lonely out here. I haven't spoken to anybody ever since I found the field. My crow still comes to visit, but it doesn't really say anything helpful. I've found blue topaz crystals in the rock formations around the field, and I can't help but be drawn to them. Part of me wonders if I could use the Spider Lily's power to seal this field away using these crystals. It'll be a long process, but I know I can do it. I've been able to do everything else on my own, so I know I can do this as well. I feel like I'm getting close to the end of my studies, which frightens me, but it will be nice to see my friends and family after all these years. The next bloom is expected to be tomorrow, so I can begin my theory with these crystals. I have another theory, but I think this one would be too risky to test. I won't say what it is just yet, but I wrote down my idea in the journal, but I doubt it will ever be tested.

- Sunofureku -

Diary Entry - Day 2190

Today is the day. I'm finally heading back to the Butterfly Mansion. The past 6 years have been quite the ride researching this demonic flower, but I'm finally ready to see my friends and family again. I know the Master will be happy to hear about my findings, and I know that the flowers will be safe as well. My experiment with the blue topaz and the blue spider lily was a success. I made a pendant that contains the essence of the blue spider lily, that locks the field away from the naked eye. Only people from my family will be able to locate this sacred ground, because it is marked with my family crest. A blue snowflake, but I've added my own touch, and added the spider lily at the snowflake's center. If I am to ever have children someday, their eyes will be able to notice this crest. If I do have descendants one day, I made 10 more of these pendants for future generations. If we run out, the notes on how to create it are in one of the journals, and the 10th generation will need to make more of them. I hope it doesn't go for that long, but it's a precautionary measure. My stuff is all packed, and I must return. I'm not sure if I'll be writing in this diary again, but I hope that if anyone from my family is reading this, do know that I put my heart and soul into this research, and hope any of you continue to do the same. I love you, my future family.

- Sunofureku -

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