A Day at the Docks

Start from the beginning

Silence filled the air as they both left the building, closing the doors behind them. Hector did his best to secure the chains back to the building, while Noah continued on towards the docks.

Hector finished looping the chains around the door handles and moved after Noah, soon the pair both reunited on the docks next to the small assortment of boats.

"Okay, which one?" Noah questioned, doing his best to brush off what they saw moments prior.

Hector looked at the few remaining boats and pointed to a decently sized fishing boat big enough for a four man crew. The pair boarded the vessel, and immediately began to inspect the ship's condition.

Nothing was out of place or missing, even a spare key was found aboard already in the ignition making their previous encounter seem nearly irrelevant however the tank was bone dry of fuel.

Noah got to work refueling the tank while Hector was inspecting and tuning the engine. The silence between the two was drowned out by the sounds of water gently crashing into the boat's side and the sound of Hector tinkering with the engine.

Noah finished emptying the second gas tank and leaned up against the door leading into the boat's interior where Hector was working in a compartment below.

While Hector was working, Noah decided to take the time to entertain himself by whistling his favorite song. Hector, even deep in concentration, listened to Noah's tune and smirked.

Despite his reckless behavior over the last few hours, Hector couldn't stay angry with him. He was well versed with the feeling of loss and knew that eventually he would come back to his proper senses. Or at least that was his hope, if not, his competence in the state of combat would ensure as much.

Putting down the wrench Hector hoisted himself out of the compartment and walked over to the captain's chair taking it for himself. Turning the key, the engine tried to start unsuccessfully. Hector tried again and again but was unable to get it started.

Noah soon stopped his whistling and looked out to the horizon, the sun was setting and the wind was slowly starting to pick up. He figured even if Hector managed to get the engine going it would be too windy to sail across the channel until the wind died down a bit.

"Damn it!" Hector cursed, slapping the dash of the boat.

Noah already moved away from the door and grabbed both of their bags. He figured that they had two options: sleep on the boat while the storm tossed them around lightly on board, or sleep with the corpses inside the already unlocked building.

But unfortunately the pair did forget some supplies in the truck as Noah noticed that they weren't in possession of any food upon unzipping both bags.

"Here take these, I'm going to grab the rest of the supplies from the truck."

"What did we forget?" Hector turned around confused.

"The food." Noah replied, stepping back aboard the docks.

"Alright, I'll see you back here soon." Hector spoke, descending back down into the compartment.

Noah ventured off back to the truck, his mind wandering back to the thought of the weather conditions and how long they might be stuck in the coastal town. As he reached the truck the doors already unlocked he opened the back door to be met with the missing supplies.

Grabbing what he could he stuffed the vast majority of the stockpiled food into his bag leaving only the small snacks behind. As he was about to leave back to Hector a small buzzing noise caught his attention, his head turned to the front as the buzzing sounded more like a vibration the second time. Closing the back door Noah made his way to the front seat and opened the door to be met with a phone falling to the asphalt ground beneath him.

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