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I rolled out of the bed and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing an apple. I noticed the fire was starting to go out, so I walked over and put in a log to keep it going. The door swung open and Sebastian walked in carrying more firewood.

"Good morning (Y/n). Did you sleep well last night?"

"I did, thank you." He stacked the firewood neatly in a pile, then wiped his hand on his pants. "Is Ominus not with you?"

"I just checked on him actually, decided to grab some more firewood before coming back inside. Seems he fell asleep last night while writing. He was still asleep when I found him just now. Didn't want to bother him, so I left."

"I wonder what he's doing over there all by himself?"

"Ominus has always been one to need some private time to himself. Gives himself time to think and collect his thoughts."

"Quiet time is nice every once in a while." I sat down and took a bite of my apple. Sebastian sat next to me and we returned to our normal routine of watching the fire crackle.

It wasn't boring or awkward being in silence. In fact we have both become quite comfortable just being next to each other in the silence. I finished off my apple and went to throw the core away. When I started to head back to the couch, I had noticed a single piece of parchment sitting out with a quill dripping ink from its tip. At the top, all it read was 'dear (Y/n)'. Other than that, it was completely blank.

"Sebastian? What is this?" I had my finger on the parchment and was still looking at it while Sebastian turned around.

"Oh, that's just um... uh a letter I was going to write to my sister." He hurriedly stood up and walked over. He grabbed the parchment from under my finger, folded it and then quickly shoved it in his pocket.

"Why had you written my name instead of Anne's then?"

"Oh, did I? My mistake. I guess I'll just have to start over then."

"Sebastian, what's the matter."

"There's nothing wrong." His cheeks flushed red rather quickly and it was hard not to stare at him.



The window blew open and a black owl flew through the room, dropping an envelope on the table. The owl flew back out the window and it shut behind it. I walked to the couch and sat down, holding the letter in my hands.

"Who's it from?" I picked up the envelope and read the front.

"It's from Deek. He's watching the beasts in my absence." I opened the letter and began reading.

My hand covered my mouth as tears started to stream down my face. I dropped the letter and covered my face.

"What's wrong?"

"I rescued an elderly thestral last year and Deek discovered him unresponsive this morning." Sebastian pulled me in close and I cried into his chest, holding onto his shirt in fear he would let go.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n). Is there anything I can do?"

"Just keep doing this." The tears seemed like they wouldn't stop and I felt Sebastian's grip around me tighten. It felt nice being held like this with the state I'm in.

I opened my eyes to the fire crackling once again. A blanket was over me and Sebastians arm laid over me. I was still holding onto his shirt and my head was laid on his chest. I sat up and Sebastian removed his arm. He put down the book he was reading on the floor and looked at me.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you. You didn't have to stay like that."

"You asked me to keep holding you. I don't mind. Really, I don't."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now