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I woke up to both of Sebastian's arm wrapped around me and I was slightly laying on top of him. He had me pressed tightly against his chest and I couldn't see an escape plan. I raised my hand and moved some of his hair out of his face. He shifted and his eyes soon fluttered open. 

"Your hair has gotten long." He just stared at me which sent a flutter straight to the pit of my stomach. Sebastian quickly flipped me onto my back and both of his arms held him above me. His breath became heavy, brushing past my lips. "Sebastia-" His lips slammed against mine and he lowered his body onto mine. The weight of him on me was comforting, like a security blanket wrapped around me. The kiss deepened and became sloppy. It was as if neither of us could keep up with each other. His hand lowered down to my thigh and I raised it up, pressing it against him.

I could feel something hard resting on my other thigh, but was extremely quick to figure out what it was. Was this how it was going to happen for the first time? And Sebastian was the one instigating it?

"Good morning! Anyone awake?!" Sebastian quickly got off of me and put a shirt on in less than it took me time to blink. He opened the door and closed it behind him.

"Good morning Imelda, Ominis. I was just waking up (Y/n). She must have been exhausted from last night, so she slept in a little."

"I roomed with you for years Sebastian. That's your morning voice, you just woke up as well."

"I've only been awake for a few minutes yes, but she was still asleep. I was just about to start making breakfast."

"I'll help you Sebastian." While I listened to the conversation I had quickly gotten into my work clothes. I grabbed my gloves and put them in my back pocket. I walked out into the living room and sat next to Ominis on the couch so I could lace up my boots.

"Oh, good morning."

"Good morning Ominis. Sorry I can't talk for the moment, I need to do the beast chores before breakfast."

"No problem. They need to eat too."

"I also have someone from the school picking up Kneazles and another person taking some nifflers and mooncalves this afternoon. I just have to go get them prepared for  their journey."

"Well enjoy, I won't be to much help."

"Some of the pens are pretty muddy after last weeks rain, so not unless you have boots and gloves." I stood up and walked out the door, waving to Sebastian and Imelda. The sun was already out and shining, but I could see some dark blue clouds just starting to peak over the mountains to the west. I grabbed the food for the nifflers and kneazles. I poured it into their feeders. I was about to grabbed the pumpkin for the mooncalves, but noticed that Marcus was already tossing one in the pen for them. I then grabbed some ferrets for the hippogriffs and tossed them to each of them. The two young ones always play tug of war over a ferret until I toss another one in.

I walked over to the well and waited for the water to fill the bucket. Watching the water pour I slowly started to zone out.

What had gotten into Sebastian earlier? If Imelda and Ominis hadn't walked into my home for breakfast, how far would that have gone? Was all of that because he missed me? I mean I missed him too, but every time I had initiated that in the past, I was quickly shot down. This time he started it! What is going on!

"Hey!" I jumped and looked behind me to see Sebastian. "I've said your name like five times. Are you okay?" No! No I am not Sebastian!

"Yes, I'm okay." He pointed behind me and I noticed that the water bucket was overfilling for what looked like awhile. I quickly shut off the pump and picked the bucket up.

"I came out to tell you breakfast is ready. We are all waiting for you."

"I just need to top off one of the water bowls and I'll be right in." He smiled down at me and took the bucket.

"Let me carry that for you." We silently walked over to the mooncalves and Sebastian dumped the water in. He left the bucket outside my door and we walked in. I sat down and the four of us ate together. I was mostly silent, but Sebastian definitely took notice of it. Imelda and Ominis seemed to busy to notice though.

"Imelda, we should probably head out. It seems that (Y/n) has a busy day planned."

"Oh, do you?"

"Hm? Oh yes. I have a few shipments of beasts going out. Whoever is picking up the kneazles for the beasts class should be here any minute."

"We will go back over to Sebastian's are grab our things, then head out."

"Thank you for coming. It was really nice to see you again."

"We will visit again Sebastian. You are just about the closest thing that Ominis has to family after all."

Sebastian walked them out as I put my gloves back on and headed out. I met with the man who was picking up the kneazles and started signing some paperwork. Imelda and Ominis walked past us and I waved as they got to the floo flame.

"Alright, I think that's all the paperwork. I'll get these to Hogwarts safely." 

"Thank you. Travel safe." I walked back to my house and closed the door behind me. A hand slammed down on the door next to me. I turned around and was pushed up against the door. 

I looked up at Sebastian's face and took in the details. He seemed to have age over the past months that he was gone. Those childish features and become mature. The jawline that had been so soft was now sharp. He had stubble growing in, I noticed earlier when he was kissing me. It had lightly scratched my cheeks. His hair had gotten longer, but still retained those loose curls. He raised his hand and placed it under my chin. I was frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

"All you have to do is tell me to stop if you don't want to continue from this morning." I could feel my cheeks explode in fire as the words left his mouth. His words were deep and raspy, but hesitant. I placed my hand on his chest, but before I could speak, I felt his heartbeat. It was beating so hard that I thought it was going to burst from his chest cavity. I then noticed a small bead of sweat starting to fall from his forehead. 

I pushed him back a little and brought my hand back to me. He looked surprised, but he seemed relieved in a way.

"Sebastian, what's going on with you?"

"While I was gone, even though I couldn't tell how much time had passed, I knew that I was missing time with you. Precious time that I can't make up."

I sighed and went to the couch to sit down. Sebastian followed me and sat down on the other end. "Do you remember when we first met?"

"First day of fifth year. I could tell you were something special."

"I thought you were kind of an asshole."


"Well, that and the bad boy of the school. Never listening to the rules, befriending every female that walked past you. You've changed a lot."

"I listened to the rules!"

"Someone who follows the rules wouldn't know how to break into the restricted section so easily. enough of that though. What was that this morning in bed. Also what just happened. What is going on with you?"

"Do you want me to be truthful with you, or make it sound nicer?"

"Uh, I guess truthful?" He sighed then moved towards me. He was a little aggressive with me and leaned me back on the couch. He leaned down to my ear and spoke in a low whisper.

"My plan was to wait until I married you. That's what a proper man would do. But truth be told, all I can think about since I came home yesterday, is fucking you into the weekend."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora