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All of the seventh years were gathered in the great hall, all at our respective house tables. This was our last day of being in Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. Last day going to the common rooms. Last day of walking down the halls. Sebastian and I sat across the table from Ominis and Imelda. Sebastian was squeezing my hand so tight, but I didn't even mind. Professor Weasley stood at the podium and looked out over all of us. The only thing on everyone's mind was if we passed the finals or not.

"Students. Your test results." She lifted her arms and the doors of the great hall opened. A flood of owls came through the opened doors carrying letters. Everyone's results landed in front of them and all I could hear around me was the letters being opened and the room burst into cheer. I just stared at my letter. I could open it. I didn't want to know what laid ahead of me. I knew I would pass, but along with our finals results was a list of jobs that the ministry themselves send to us as potential jobs we should apply for. I know that it's all hypothetical and that we don't have to take these jobs, but it is was is expected of us to do for the rest of our lives.

"Love, are you going to open it? Everyone else has."

"I don't want to know."

"You need to open it. Come on." He slowly handed me the letter and I opened the sealed wax. 

'Ms. (L/n)

We are proud to inform you that you have completed all of your seventh year exams with exceptional marks and have passed. The following list is a recommendation from the ministry of magic of jobs that would be well suited for you. 


Ministry high council

Master of Magical Beasts

Best regards to your future and congratulations,

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster Black

"Well? How did you do?"

"I passed, but the ministry... They recommended me to work with beasts!" I threw myself at Sebastian and hugged him tightly around the neck. We almost toppled to the floor, but Sebastian was able to reclaim his balance. He spun me around and then put me back on the ground.

"Come on Imelda! We need to go finish packing! Sebastian, you and Ominis as well!" Imelda and I ran to the end of the table and straight to our dorm room. We were both so excited that we could barely pack the last of our things. "Imelda, what did the ministry recommend for your job?"

"The number one was pro quidditch player. The rest of them didn't matter. Ominus and I are going to travel the world this summer."

"Are you going to make one of those stops Feldcroft?"

"Of course, we want to visit Sebastian. Would you want to plan a visit at the same time as us?"

"I'm actually going to be living in Feldcroft. Starting today."

"Wait what?! I know that we have all been busy that last week, but what did I miss?!"

"Well, I told you that Sebastian are officially dating... and he, well. I'd rather you look for yourself as to what he gave me."

"Ominis was going to help Sebastian move today, I guess that means I'm helping you instead. then you can show me. Wait! are you guys living together?"

"No, I'm actually his neighbor." She laughed to herself and put a few more things away. She then came over to me and helped grab the few bags of things I had. Since I knew that I was moving to Feldcroft, Any spare moments I had over the  last week, I would use the floo network to get to my new home quickly and drop things off. This was the last load of things I need to take. And since it was still the morning, I was going to start releasing beasts before lunch into their respective pens. Ominis and Sebastian conveniently met us at the floo flame. Sebastian took one of my bags as I had one in both and he had a free hand. 

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now