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"Delivery from Brood and Peck!"

"Yes, thank you!" I took my gloves off and walked over to the delivery man. I signed the parchment and he helped me unload the fifty pound bags of feed. It was early in the morning, but the sun was already blazing. It was my first full day in Feldcroft. Percival had already left to go sells his potions and Rose brought me some breakfast. I hadn't seen Sebastian yet this morning, but I got to work. I waved to the delivery man as he left. He had a thestral pulling his cart, which I gave some treats to before they set off.

I filled up two pales of feed and walked over to the nifflers and puffskeins which were housed next to each other. I dumped the feed into each pen and also filled up their troughs of water. As I was headed back to my house to get another load of feed, Sebastian walked out of his house. 

"Good morning." 

"Good morning Sebastian. Did you sleep good last night?"

"I did." He looked at me up and down, then raised his eyebrows. "How long have you been awake? Your clothes are already exceptionally dirty."

"I've been awake since about five this morning, but I didn't start working until about six thirty."

"Is this gonna be everyday that you get up early?"

"Six thirty is about the time that the beasts start looking for breakfast, so probably. I was also waiting on a delivery from Brood and Peck for the feed I needed for the smaller species species."

"What's left to do, I'd like to help."

"I need to get the ferrets to the hippogriffs, they get one each. I also need to check on the unicorn and try to guess how far along she is, oh and the diricawls need this pumpkin and some feed." 

"I'll take care of the Diricawls and meet you at the unicorn pen, sound good?"

"That it would be very helpful, then the morning chores will be done once I tend to the Hippogriffs. Oh, do mind the diricawls. They freak out when they see a pumpkin coming their way."

"How bad could it be?"

"You'll see, good luck." He grabbed the pumpkin with one hand and the pale of feed with the other. I smiled as he walked away. 

"Alright you, here, take it." I went into the hippogriff pen and they were biting at the ferrets hanging from my shoulder. "You guys really are spoiled, you know that?" I walked out and went over to the unicorn. She walked up to me and I gave her a few treats. "Hey mama, can I take a look at you?" She turned sideways and presented me her belly. I pushed on it a little to see how much room was left. It was still a little squishy and she didn't look very big.

"Ahhh, help me!" I turned around to see Sebastian running past the pen, still holding the pumpkin with the diricawls right behind him.

"Drop the pumpkin!" He immediately threw the pumpkin and the diricawls got straight to work. I walked over to me him and he was completely out of breath. "I told you."

"I... didn't... think it was going... to be that bad."

"Maybe I should do the diricawls from now on. They are very temperamental."

"They are psychotic. Oh, also the galleons that I owe Percival went missing last night. Did you happen to see where I put them last night after dinner?" I tried to keep in my laughter as much as I could while I led him to the nifflers.

"Who took them?" One of the younger ones walked up to me and sniffed my hand that I had stretched out. "Hand them over. We need them." The niffler put its nose down and let out a quiet groan. It reached in it's pouch and gave me Sebastian's galleons. "Here you are. You may want to hide anything shiny from here on out."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now