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I walked off the train and the moon
stared down upon my friends and I. I breathed in the crisp night air and exhaled slowly. I clutched my bag in my hands and walked forward a little to move out of the way. Imelda stepped to the side of me and set her bags down on the platform.

"Ominus move! I was here first!"

"Sebastian, let the blind guy go first!"

"You're going to use that excuse forever, aren't you!"

"Yeah! I'm blind!" Imelda looked behind us at the two boys fighting and rolled her eyes up to the heavens. 

"Seriously, do you two ever stop fighting."

"This is fighting, we are practically brothers." Sebastian and Ominus stumbled off the train finally pushing through the door, barely landing on their feet. Ominus got his wand out and that all to familiar red light started to flick at the end of it.

"Come on, we need to catch the carriages, or we will get left behind." Imelda grabbed her bag and walked with Ominus towards the carriages while I waited for Sebastian who had dropped a couple things when he stumbled out of the train. He stood up and nodded at me and we easily caught up with the other two, who were already getting their bags loaded.

Before loading my bag I stopped to pet the thestral that was in charge of our carriage. Such beautiful creatures they are. Every time I see one, I soak in the sight and admire them.

"Here, let me load that for you." Sebastian grabbed my bag and put it in the storage for me.

"Thank you Sebastian." Imelda got into the carriage and I followed her in, sitting next to her. Ominus and Sebastian got in after us and sat on our opposite. The carriage started moving and soon we were able to see the castle. Everyone was quiet so I decided to break the silence. "Our sixth year, this should be exciting."

"I don't know if you'll find any evil goblins this year, so it may not be to exciting." My jaw dropped and I stared at Sebastian. "Oh, here let me close that for you." He started reaching for my chin, but I smacked his hand out of the way before it could touch me.

"You know that wasn't my intention last year, correct? I'd be perfectly fine with a different and more cautious adventure this year."

"What's adventure with caution? Sounds incredibly boring."

"Will you two shutup! There are more better things that should be occupying our minds!" I looked at Imelda as she was staring out the window.

"Like what Imelda?"

"Well first, is Headmaster Black going to cancel Quidditch again?"

"And second being the dates you and Ominus took over the summer?"

"Ominus, you told them!?"

"I told Sebastian."

"And i told (Y/n)."

"Nothing's sacred in this world anymore."

"Come on Imelda. He had already announced that it was canceled for last year only, and honestly, with all the back lash he got last year from parents, students, and alum, he'd be truly an idiot to cancel it again. You'll get team captain, and I'll be your seeker." 

"You do realize that i'm going to make you tryout (Y/n)."

"You would let me down if you didn't." Her and I laughed a little, then turned to the boys. Imelda glared at them with an angry expression.

"And if you two aren't at every game cheering us on, you will regret."

"We were at every game before it was cancelled last year, whether you made us or not. We both enjoy Quidditch you know. Plus, we of course would have to be there cheering for you two, nobody else will."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now