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I tossed my textbooks on the table which caught Imelda, Sebastian and Ominus off guard. I sat down next to Imelda and hit my head against the table, letting it rest there.

"Uh, you okay?"

"No. I hate midterms. I hate school, I hate studying, I just want to get done with this and go on holiday already."

"Oh, what do you have planned for holiday?" I lifted my head and blankly stared at the wall behind Ominus and Sebastian's head.

"I'm staying here. Shit."

"Well if you want, you could come to Feldcroft with Ominus and I. He's coming to stay there with me." 

"Wait, why aren't you going home?" I looked at Imelda and she looked stunned by my face. "You need some more sleep. That's the worst I've ever seen the bags under your eyes and your eyes are red too."

"Yeah, nevermind my sleep schedule. It's my parents twenty-fifth anniversary, so they are traveling the world. I didn't want to go sit in that house by myself. Sitting at Hogwarts by myself seemed like... less traveling on my part."

"Well, the invitation is still open to come to Feldcroft with Ominus and I. You could sleep in Anne's old room."

"Where is Anne?" 

"She wanted to live on her own, so when we turned eighteen she found a place of her own."

"I'm sorry to hear that Sebastian."

"Well, siblings can't live with each other forever. I'm okay with it."

"I'll accept than. I'll come to Feldcroft with you both, Thank you." I grabbed one of the sandwiches from the table and started eating. I skipped breakfast to spend some time with the new niffler babies that were born last night. They were so adorable rolling around and tripping over each other. It was the only thing that took my mind off the midterms.

"Well, are you ready to get these last two tests done? We should get going or we will be late to class." Imelda stood up and grabbed my textbooks. "I'll hold your books while you eat (Y/n)"

"Thank you." I said in-between bites.

"Let's be honest, Professor Garlick won't be to upset if we are late."

"You should know Sebastian, you're always late."

"Shut-up Imelda, I am not always late." I almost choked on my sandwich from laughing as we walked to herbology class. There they go again, bickering like an old married couple. I saw a faint smile on Ominus and I could tell he was amused by their bickering as well.

"Alright class, your midterm test begins now! Good Luck!" I opened the first page of the test and wrote my name down. All around me I could hear the swish of quills, furiously writing down answers. Come on (Y/n). Finish this one and theirs one left... Potions. I began answering the questions, making sure to think through all of my answers carefully. I was confident in my knowledge of herbology, but I didn't want to be to cocky with my answers. Sebastian was sitting next me and I had one page left when he got up to turn his in. He came back over and sat down again. 

"You got this." He was so soft spoken I almost didn't hear what he said. After I answered the last question, I turned my test in and then sat down again. After a few minutes, the rest of the students were down and we were all dismissed.

"Don't stress to much (Y/n), I'm sure you did well." 

"Thank you Ominus. Now just one left and we are free for the rest of the holiday."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now