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'Thank you for your warning about the black unicorn. I have warned all of my relatives of this and we are all  going to be cautious in the future. Please update me with any information you obtain.


I folded the letter and opened the next one.

'We are ready to bring the snidgets  whenever you are ready. We have patrolled the area around you and have not found any evidence that the poachers are nearby. We believe we can safely bring them to you now and await on your owl.'

The Centaurs'

I stood up and grabbed an apple, biting into it immediately. Sebastian then walked in with a basket of muffins and sat them down on the table. He was soaking wet and little droplets fell off the ends of his hair.

"Bloody hell it is pouring out there. Oh and these are from Rose." I grabbed a towel from my kitchen and walked over to him, wiping the rain off his face, then started drying his hair.

"Sebastian, I'm worried."

"Mr. Cromwell is after that unicorn."

"Yes, I believe so." My arms drop from his hair and I look down at my hands, folding the towel neatly. 

"Well, we aren't going to be able to rescue it today, that's for sure. So let's just try to stay calm. You are the master of magical beasts and if anyone is going to save it, it's you."

"It's been a week and it's been raining almost every day."

"Which is keeping it safe. We need to keep hope on our side." I sigh and go sit down on the couch. Sebastian sits on the floor in front of me and I take the towel to his hair again. "You're to good for me."

"I'm just drying your hair, I don't want you to catch a cold." When I finish he lays his head back on to my lap. "Have you heard from the centaurs?"

"They sent me a letter this morning that I was only able to open just a moment ago. They've been patrolling the forest around us and have had no sight of poachers. They believe it is safe now whenever we are ready to collect the snidgets."

"Well, your basement is ready for them, so we should be able to collect them now."

"We should be. I'll send them a letter to bring them in a few days. I want to spend the weekend with you, as long as the weather is still bad."

"It'll be sunny soon enough. We will be ready when it is."

"Oh, I heard another graphorn has made a recent appearance. Ellie sent me a letter late last night. There's concern because it has made a den fairly close to one of the towns in the south. It's a female."

"You want to go get it?"

"It would be nice to have a breeding pair. I've been thinking about it. I've also been catching Rose and Percival sneaking treats over to the one we have, so I don't think they mind if we had a second."

"They love every beasts we have. You could bring a dragon here and they would love it."

"Ellie has also asked if we are going to be breeding puffskein or mooncalves soon. She has a few families reaching out to her that want to adopt." 

"Are you thinking about it?"

"Well, the breeding pair I have for the mooncalves are healthy enough to have babies, but not be released back into the wild. The puffskein pair is the same. I'd just need to set up a breeding pen for them both."

"How long would it take?"

"If we started now, puffskein babies in the fall and mooncalf babies in early November." He laid his hand on mine and gave me the kindest eyes. I leaned down and kissed him and felt his smile on my lips.

"I've heard of this muggle world place where they keep animals for people to come and look at them. I think it was called a zoo? Have you thought about something like that?"

"Zoo's really don't have the best reputation for caring for their animals. It's been getting better as more muggles have been fighting for the rights of animals, but there is still a long way to go. I've thought about having apprentices or working with Professor Howin to bring students here to learn about other beasts that can't be kept on school grounds. They could take the floo flame in and out."

"That is a great idea. We could decorate the whole town in Slytherin to show our house pride."

"I don't think so Sebastian." A chill went through my whole body and I looked up to realize my fire was almost out. "Sebastian, could you?" I pointed to the fireplace and he noticed it too. He got up and put some logs on the fire and sat down on the couch, grabbing my hand.

"Merlin's beard you are freezing! Come here, I'll draw you a warm bath and make you some food."

"Sebastian, you don't have to do that."

"Nonsense. Just do what I say."

He started filling up my bath with hot water and then left me alone, closing the door behind me. I then heard some shuffling in the kitchen and Sebastian speaking under his breath. I got undressed and got into the hot water. I sunk down into it letting my chin rest under the water. I closed my eyes and started to daydream.

*knock* *knock*

"Love are you alright? You have been in there for awhile now." My eyes fluttered open quickly and I straightened my back. I looked out the window and the rain was still pouring down. "Love?" The door started to open and Sebastian poked his head in.

"I'm sorry, I most have drifted for a moment."

"Do you need any help." I splashed some water on my face to try and wake up more, but I was still so tired.

"Just give me a minute and I'll come out." He closed the door and I heard his steps walking away. I Stood up out of the tub and dried off quickly. I grabbed my robe and put it on, tying it around my waist. I walked out and Sebastian had our food on the table and taper candles lit in the center. It smelled delicious and I sat down in my chair. "What is it?"

"Roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots. Percival traded some goods for a few chickens for us yesterday."

"Well, that was nice of him." We begin to eat, but are silent the whole time. It's like a tension hanging over the room, but neither of us know what from. I look up and Sebastian has eaten most of his food and is just spinning his fork around on his plate.

I finish my food and place my plate in the sink. Sebastian does the same and as I begin to wash the dishes, he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. I feel the weight of his head on my shoulder and he starts kissing the base on my neck.

"Sebastian..." He works his way up my neck and then places a kiss just below my ear. The heat from his lips burns my skin. I put the plate back down in the sink and turn around to face him. Before I could do anything, he places a kiss on my lips. It grows to something more intense. He lifts me up and sits me on the counter, never breaking the kiss. His hands laid on my outer thighs. I pushed him back a little so I could catch my breath and he just stares at my lips.

"Sebastian, you just told me last week you didn't want to rush anything..."

"It's all I can think about since that night. If you want to I do as well, but we can stop if you want."

"I didn't want to stop last week." I take hold of his top button and undo it, slowly making my way down to the rest of the buttons. "So, if you want to..." I finish unbuttoning the last button and open his shirt. "You can take me right now..." I untie my robe, but don't open it. "If you don't, then you can stop." He slowly kisses the base of my neck again, but starts making his way down this time. He kisses my collarbone, moving the fabric as he goes. He reaches down and grabs the ties for my robe and knots the together.

"We shouldn't it's to early." He helps me off the counter and wraps his arms around me.

"If that's what you want, I'm okay with that."

"It' not, but I'll be okay." We walk over to the couch and he starts reading a book. I don't remember much after that as I had fallen asleep. The next morning I woke up in my bed and Sebastian had returned home.

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now