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Imelda held up her glass of butterbeer and looked at me. "Happy Birthday (Y/n). Here's to many more, hopefully spent with us by your side. Cheers"

"Cheers!" Ominus, Sebastian and I clinked our glasses with hers and we all took a sip.

"Ominus, why don't you give your gift now?" Ominus waved his wand and a box appeared in front of me on the table. I reached for it and pulled the string, untying the knot, I opened the lid and noticed my favorite chocolates from Fizziwigs.

"Thank you Ominus, I will enjoy these greatly." I closed the lid and pushed the box to the side.

"I believe Sebastian has something for you as well."

"I do Ominus, thank you. Here you are (Y/n)" Sebastian set down a small rectangular box in front of. "I do have to say though, I did need Imelda's help as I was having trouble finding this particular gift. Who knew you could special order things from the shopkeepers.'

"A lot of people know that Sebastian." Imelda rolled her eyes at him and then turned to me. "Come on, open it! I haven't seen it yet!" I grabbed the box and opened the top. I looked in it to see a beautiful silver pendant of a thestral with a long silver chain threaded through the top. It stood with one foot up and its wings stretched up high.

"Where did you even find something like this?"

"Well the jeweler had no idea where to find something like this. Not many people make jewelry with beasts. He said that it would have been easier if I chose a different beast, but I knew you would want a thestral more than anything. Imelda had the idea to go to the lady with the beast shop. She knew exactly where to find it and sent off an owl while we were there. A week later, I went and picked it up from her."

"Thank you Sebastian, I really love it." I unclasped it and put it on, letting it hang over my shirt.

For the rest of the evening, we talk about different memories that had happened over the past year. Sebastian and Ominus did their usual brotherly bickering while Imelda and I just smiled at each other, drinking our butterbeer. Honestly, I thought the bickering between them quite amusing. We finished our butterbeers and Sirona came to collect our glasses from us. She informed us she was closing up for the night in about five minutes, so we grabbed our things and headed out to the streets of Hogsmeade. We took our time walking back to Hogwarts, but it still felt like we arrived fairly quickly. Imelda and I split from the boys and headed to our room.

"Are you ready for the quidditch tryouts tomorrow?"

"I am looking forward to it. It's going to be nice playing again. I can't wait to get back on my broom and feel the wind on my face."

"I love the adrenaline rush I get from playing. And this year, we will not loose. We will win this season."

"Well, you're fired up before bed aren't you?" 

"Yeah, but I'm really exhausted, I'm gonna go to bed."

"Okay, um, I'm going to go to the common room and read for awhile. I need to study some of these potion recipes before our midterms."

"Alright, well don't be up for to long, you still need to sleep."

"Good night Imelda."

"Good night (Y/n)." As she crawled under her blankets I grabbed my potions textbook and headed out to the common room. I sat down on a chair that looked into the depths of the Black Lake. The only light to shine through was from the moon. I opened my book and started to study. 

After what seemed forever, but was only twenty minutes according to the clock, my eyes began to cross and I knew my eyes needed a break from reading. I looked out into the lake and watched the various fish who frequently visited the Slytherin common room windows. I took out the thestral pendant that still hung from my neck and held it up in front of my face. I didn't notice before, but a small diamond like gem hung from the chain. It glinted into the light, but even without moving it, the small amount of light from it still moved. I held it up and looked through it and a beautiful scenery was laid out in it. A pair of thestrals frolicked in a sunset and then ran towards the sun. they jumped into the air and flew until they were small, I couldn't see them anymore, then the scene reset.

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now