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"Ready to go?" Sebastian rubbed his temples while Ominus put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I am, but I don't know if Sebastian here is."

"I'm ready to go, I just have a headache. I can't even remember how I got to bed last night."

"Ominus and I got you to the common room, then he took you guys to your room."

"I can't even remember much past when you and I were talking."

"Well, that makes sense as you fell asleep just after we had finished the conversation."

"What were you two talking about?"

"Nothing much really. Did you enjoy your dance with Imelda?"

"I did, yes. It was wonderful."

"Alright, let's get going, I think I'll be fine on the brooms."

"Ominus, how do you fly on your broom?"

"I never ride alone, always with someone. Imelda taught me how. I can get pretty far in an open space, as long as we aren't flying to low. I will just listen to where you guys are, and before landing, you'll need to instruct me if where I am landing is good or if I need to move in any directions."

"Alright, well it should only take us about forty minutes to get there by broom. Let's go." Ominus and I followed Sebastian outside and we mounted our brooms, quickly setting off. 

The ride was cold and uneventful, but nonetheless, I enjoyed it. It had been to cold recently to really go for a leisurely ride. I leaned my broom up against Sebastian's house as he continued to help Ominus land. I grabbed his bag and brought it in, then set off to Anne's old bedroom. Well, bedroom was a rather loose term for it. It was a curtain that separated a portion of the room for a small amount of privacy and a bed. I set my bag down and took off my coat and gloves. Sebastian and Ominus walked in and dis the same as I did, but in Sebastian's room. I walked out and Ominus was sitting at the kitchen table, while Sebastian started the fireplace. With how cold and snowy it was outside, it wasn't to cold in the house. Even without the fireplace going.

I sat down on the couch and watched Sebastian stack the firewood and set it ablaze. He stood up and sat down next to me. We watched the fire crackle for a long while, sitting in Silence. I looked over my shoulder at Ominus who was writing a letter, I could only assume to Imelda.


"Yes Sebastian?"

"Do you remember our conversation from yesterday? About Ominus and Imelda?" He was very soft spoken and I had to lean in slightly to hear him fully. 

"Yes, I do. What about it?"

"Ominus told me something this morning after I woke up. Before we had come down to the common room to meet you."

"Well, what is it?"

"He has the intentions to become engaged to Imelda, after graduation. He wants to do it the following summer."

"Really? Well that's amazing."

"Don't you think that is to soon?"

"Well, by the time we get to that point, they will have been dating for three years. My parents got engaged after six months and are still very happily married."

"I didn't even consider that actually."

"What did you say to Ominus when he told you?"

"I told him that I believe they should be together."

"Well good, but we should probably keep this from Ominus that you told me."

"I think that would be for the best." A smile crept onto my face and I leaned back into the couch once again. I really didn't know what to think, just that I was happy for Ominus. 

I hadn't realized I fell asleep on the couch. My feet were up and my shoes had been taken off. A warm blanket was covering everything except for my head. I watched the fire flicker  bright in my eyes and I laid there with empty thoughts. In the background I could hear Sebastian and Ominus whispering to each other, I could only assume it was not to wake me up.

"You need to Sebastian."

"Need is a very strong word Ominus. Want is better suiting."

"No, you need to. I've talked to Imelda before we went on holiday and she believes what I do. You won't talk to me about it when evet I bring it up, and that's not like you. Which only means..." My neck started to hurt so I sat up.

"Sorry to interrupt. What were you two talking about?"

"Oh, it was nothing really. Just some idle chatter."

We were a week into our two week long holiday. Ominus asked about the empty houses around Feldcroft and Sebastian informed us that only three residents remained, including Sebastian. Most of the other villagers moved after the battle with Ranrok and the houses were left abandoned. Since he told us that, Ominus had left us for four hours a day to go to the house next door to write to Imelda and work on, well, he wouldn't tell us what he was working on. Sebastian and I were already close, but we seemed to be improving on our friendship even more when Ominus was gone.

"Another round of wizards chess m'lady?"

"Haven't I beat you enough already? Or do you just have a thing for loosing?" I looked over from the couch to the table where Sebastian was about halfway done setting up the board. I had my legs stretched across the couch and had been trying to read a book, but I hadn't gotten very far. Sebastian put down the pieces he was holding on the table and walked over to the couch. I tucked my legs closer to me so he could have room to sit down.

"No need." He sat down and grabbed my legs, stretching them over his lap. He pulled out a book and started reading. I tried to see the cover to see what he was reading, but I couldn't. All I could see was a Phoenix on the page.

"Are you reading about beasts again?"

"Yes, If I'm going to help you find a phoenix like I promised, I figured knowledge about all magical beasts couldn't hurt. Also, the librarian still won't fulfil my request for new books in the library."

"Have you read everything in the restricted section?"

"No, but that woman has been keeping one of the ghosts posted at the door for the past few weeks at night."

"How unlucky..." I held up my book to show him. "This little thing is from the restricted section."

"How did you get that!?"

"I asked Professor Howin if she had any knowledge on Phoenix's that she could share with me after class last week. She said she personally didn't, but said there was a book on them in the restricted section. She put in a request with Professor Weasley, who approved and here it is, in my hands. They thought the request simple enough as long as the book is returned to them when I am finished."

"What made them put it down there in the first place."

"That was my question when I was given it. Since Phoenix's are on the verge of extinction and the poachers growing in numbers, they put it down their for the beasts protection. It talks about their habitats, what they love, what they hate. It's all about them. It was written when there were more in numbers and they could be studied easily."

"That's marvelous! I wish it were that easy to get any book our of there."

"Well, some things are kept there for a reason Sebastian."

"I know, I know." He looked at me and smiled, but our gaze broke. He reached towards me and grabbed the chain around my neck, lifting the necklace out of my shirt. He held the thestral pendant in his hand and looked at it, smiling once again. "You still wear it?"

"Why wouldn't I? I love it. I don't think I've taken it off either."

"I guess I'm the best at picking out gifts for you then."

"I guess you are Sebastian."

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now