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"Are you ready to go?"

"I'm assuming alot of people who go to Azkaban aren't asked this first, but yes."

"Place your hand on my wrist. We will be apparating there." I did as Professor Sharp asked and we were suddenly surrounded by dark cold walls.

"Apparation to Azkaban doesn't seem to be a good thing with the prisoners that are here."

"It has the same protection that Hogwarts has with the floo flames. Mostly aurors are the only ones allowed to do so. There are a few others that can as well. Mostly ministry of magic members."

"Hello Sharp. Is this the young woman we are to take to prisoner Sallow?"

"Yes it is." The man standing before us was in a black robe with a hood that almost covered his entire face. He let down the hood and his age was advanced. He easily was in his seventies.

"Miss, do you know the patronus charm?"

"I don't."

"The dementors do not care who you are. If you are on their property, they will treat you as if a prisoner. Once we walk through this door, you are no longer on the ministries protection. The patrons charm will keep you safe. Sharp?"

"Expecto Patronum." Light poured out of the end of his wand. It swirled around in the air until taking the form of a cat.

"Each person's patronus is unique to them. As you can see, Sharp's is a cat. Mine is a weasel. We will cast the patronus charm before going in and these figures will protect us. Before you cast the charm, you need to be thinking of a happy memory. Any one should do. Now go ahead."

A happy memory... which one? I've got it. The day Professor Fig delivered my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. He knocked on the door so lightly and my mom answered the door. She had welcomed him in and he explained all of our questions we had about the wizarding world. That's the first day him tutoring me had officially started. I raised my wand in the air and took a deep breath. "Expect Patronum." Light flickered out the end of my wand, but soon disappeared.

"Whatever you were thinking about was a happy memory, but your wand knows there is a happier one. try again."

A happier one... Oh, the day I started classes at Hogwarts. That's when I first met Sebastian, Imelda, and Ominis. I repeated the incantation, but the same thing happened.

"Not everyone in the wizarding world can produce a patronus, this could just be one of those cases."

"No, she can do it. If she can't, we would't either. (Y/n), what did you think of?" Professor Sharp was now standing in front of me and giving me a soft, but stern look.

"The first try was the first time I met Professor Fig. He was delivering my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. The second try was the first day of classes."

"I believe that since those two events happened, more joyous occasions have happened in your life." He bent down to whisper in my ear. "Think of him." He stood straight again and moved to the side.

Think of him, think of him. 

Suddenly my lips got warm and the feelings I had the first time Sebastian and I kissed reappeared. I quickly raised my wand. "Expecto Patronum!" Light rushed out of the tip of my wand so rapidly, I almost couldn't hold my wand straight. The swirls of magic began draping like a blanket and my patronus stood in front of me proudly. The strange man began walking around it, studying it and finally stood next to me.

"I've never seen a thestral as a patronus before, it's quite amazing. When patronus' this big appear for a person, they are said to be the most powerful magic users."

"Shall we go see Sallow now?"

"Yes Mr. Sharp. Follow me to the prisoner's cell. He isn't far from here." The strange man opened the cell door and I could see Sebastian in the corner with his head leaning against the wall. His eyes were open, but the all familiar light I was familiar with had dimmed from them. I went to take a step forward, but Professor Sharp stopped me.

"Let me go first. Lumos." He walked in and set one of his hands on Sebastian's shoulder. "Sebastian?" He looked up at Professor Sharp, but his facial expression stayed blank.

"P-Professor Sharp?" His voice was deep and hoarse. Had he joined the other prisoners in screaming?

"Yes, it's me. How are you doing?"

"Professor Sharp?"


"Are you really here?"

"Yes I am. I have someone else here with me as well. We are going to get you out of here."

"No! No the dementors! They won't let me go!" He quickly stood up and went to the opposite corner of the small room. "Please, you.... you have to go!" Professor Sharp raised his hand and motioned for me to come in. I stepped into the doorway and Sebastian's eyes met mine. He fell to his knees and quickly crawled over to me, hugging my legs. "It's you, you're here. I'm so sorry for whatever I did. I can't remember anything. The last thing I remember, I heard the nurses in the hallway say I tried to hurt you, then I woke up here. Please forgive me."

I looked out the small window to see the moon shining bright against a sea of stars. I placed my hands under his arms and lifted him up. I turned him around and pointed to the moon.

"Do you see the moon? How bright it's shining in the night sky? That's proof that I'm safe with you now. Now let me protect you while Professor Sharp and I get you out of here."

"The dementors."

"Can't hurt you while we are with you."

"It's true Sebastian. The dementors can't hurt you while you are with us."

"Trust me Sebastian." I held out my hand to him, but he was hesitant to take it. He took a deep breath, but eventually, he took my hand. I intertwined our fingers and I led him out the cell door. My patronus stayed close to Sebastian as we walked back down the hallway. Once we were in the first room again, the strange man waved his wand and his weasel patronus disappeared. I did the same, followed by Professor Sharp. Two figures appeared from the shadows and I recognized them as the two Aurors who had originally taken Sebastian to St. Mungos.

"Hello again Sharp. We are here to escort Mr. Sallow to St. Mungos for his recovery treatment."

"Are you coming with me (Y/n)?"

"I have to go home Sebastian. I need to get your house ready for your return, and I have the beasts, but I will see you as soon as you return to Feldcroft."

"He will be in the recovery unit for a minimum of two days Ms. (L/n)."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Sallow, are you ready to go?"

"I am."

"You'll be safe Sebastian. Trust the Aurors." I took off my thestral necklace Sebastian gave me so long ago. I put it around his neck and he stared at it. "There. Now I will also be there with you too." He smiled at me and walked over to the Aurors. They apparated away and Professor Sharp and I did the same, but to Feldcroft.

I thanked him for his help and he used the floo flame to leave. Only two more days. I can make it two more days.

Long Road Ahead // Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now