67 | the next time

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(season five, episode three)


SOME WOUNDS HEALED completely, those were the types that you laughed about obtaining during a reminiscent conversation

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SOME WOUNDS HEALED completely, those were the types that you laughed about obtaining during a reminiscent conversation. Others... well, others left their mark on you forever. Sometimes it wasn't physically there, something you couldn't see but would always feel. However, in Leo's case, it was both. The thick slice on his forearm served as a reminder of that god-awful day. What he'd lost, and what he'd failed to protect.

Sasha had removed the thread Carol sealed his wound with in silence. Now she was covering it with a bandage, stealing worried glances at him every few seconds. He'd thought finding her would solve all of his problems, that she'd be able to fix all that was wrong but he'd been wrong. There wasn't a word to describe how grateful he was to have her back in front of him, so it wasn't that she wasn't enough or anything close to that. His wound was just irreparable. "If you can keep it clean, and let me change the dressing every two days, should be all healed up in a week. You'll get a scar but everybody's got 'em. You'll just fit in more."

"Thank you." Leo grimaced as she pressed the bandage over his wound. "I know it's gross."

Sasha rolled her eyes at him. "You do remember I was a firefighter before all this, right? I saw this one guy whose fingers were melted, second week into the job."

"And you didn't quit?"

"Tell you the truth, I was intrigued. I mean, how could somebody survive that? But he did and then I knew; everybody can be saved."

"You sound like Tyreese," Leo told her, rolling his sleeve back down. His eyes scoured the room for Sasha's brother, finding him sat with Glenn laughing about something unknown to Leo. It was good to see him smiling, putting the past behind him. Leo only wished he could do the same, but like with the Governor, Martin was still out there and that meant there was only a matter of time before he surfaced. "He really stepped up. You'd be proud of him."

Sasha chuckled softly. "Oh, I am, trust me but if I tell him that his head's gonna get so damn big that it won't fit out the door."

That seemed to be a sibling thing, teasing. The sort of dynamic he'd never know. Mika was the closest to a sister he'd ever had. There was still Judith but she had her own siblings, what could she possibly need him for? He already missed the baby tremendously, it was crazy because she was quite literally across the room from him in Carl's arms but it was different now. With her family back, he had no reason to be tending to her.

"I know you're not ready to talk yet," Sasha said gently, all humour gone from her tone. She rubbed his shoulder soothingly, a sad frown tugging at her brows. "And that's okay. I won't push you. I wouldn't dream of doing that but I'm here for you, okay?"

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