60 | losers weepers

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(season four, episode fourteen)

SWEAT SOAKED LEO'S shirt, he leapt up to his feet, eyes darting around in search of the danger his mind was convinced lurked around in the dark

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SWEAT SOAKED LEO'S shirt, he leapt up to his feet, eyes darting around in search of the danger his mind was convinced lurked around in the dark. Carol was sat on the side of the tracks, watching him curiously. His cheeks immediately grew hot, he was sick of being the freak show. Tyreese and Sasha had never judged him but Allen and Ben had, he'd heard them whispering about the states he got himself into it. Carol was someone who he occasionally gave a nod of acknowledgement to, he didn't know her at all and that meant there was no trust between them.

"Bad dream?" Carol questioned, offering him a small smile. "New ones or old?"

"Old," Leo confessed, lowering himself back down to the ground. He sat with his legs tucked underneath him, hands fidgeting with the gravel that covered the track. "Why are you up?

"I'm on watch," Carol told him, jutting her chin toward Tyreese who was fast asleep beside Leo. "We'll be switching soon, got a long walk ahead of us tomorrow."

"Feels kinda ominous," Leo said, peering over at Judith who was swaddled securely in Carol's arms. "The guy that told us to go this place died trying to get there, and now we're just going?"

"Do you believe in coincidences?"


Carol hummed softly. "No? Me either. We never would've found out about the place if that man hadn't been attacked, right? So, maybe it was always supposed to happen that way. Their deaths mean sanctuary for us, a safe place for the girls to grow up."

Leo sighed heavily. "Don't you wanna find Daryl? Rick? Maggie?"

"They're gone." Carol gazed down at Judith. "If Rick was here, he'd want a safe place for his daughter. Terminus might give us that."

"He is a safe place for his daughter," Leo stated, shaking his head at Carol. "And I saw Freya she was looking for Judith and she was frantic. I know she made it out of there. You don't think she deserves to be with her sister?"

"Of course I do," Carol shot back. "But not when achieving that would be putting her life at risk- Freya would agree."

Leo lay back down, turning his face away from Carol. He hated arguing, so he'd let it go but he didn't agree with her in the slightest and he certainly didn't trust her. She'd claimed to have been out on a run with Rick, apparently, she'd stayed behind to get more supplies and by the time she'd made it the prison had already been attacked but that sounded ridiculous to Leo, when did a run last over a week?


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