57 | you ain't your dad, girl

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(season four, episode twelve)

[TW(?) unhealthy coping
mechanisms (alcohol)]

[TW(?) unhealthy coping mechanisms (alcohol)]

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"FOUND THIS PLACE with Michonne."

Freya blinked at the building a few times, it was an old shack. It had a roof and windows. Why hadn't Daryl brought them there before now? Why had they been running through the woods for days when there was a perfectly good place to hole up? It wasn't going to win any awards for best abandoned building but it could serve as a home to them.

"I was expecting a liquor store," Beth admitted.

"No." Daryl shook his head. "This is better."

"You could've brought us here a couple days ago," Freya stated, walking alongside them to the shed around the back. "You know when we were fleeing from Walkers?"

"Ain't a place for kids," Daryl brushed her off, pulling open the shed doors and stepping inside.

"What is that?" Beth questioned, watching curiously as he sat jars onto a crate.

"Moonshine." He passed the crate to Beth, then moved past them both, "come on."

"Heavy?" Freya asked Beth as they followed Daryl into the shack.

Beth nodded. "Yeah. Kinda."

The shack was a mess, even worse than Shane's house had been when his Aunt Jeanie hadn't visited in a while. Newspaper was scattered all over the floor, the walls were chipped and the entire place was covered in dust but it was definitely habitable, if there wasn't any place better then they could stay there.

Daryl set two glasses on the table, their cleanliness was questionable but seeing as they'd just eaten snake, could they really start to care about what went into their mouths?

Beth placed the crate of Moonshine onto a small circular table in the middle of the room, she took the seat closest to her and Freya sat across from her. It was about as close to civilised as they would ever be.

Daryl opened a jar of moonshine for them, pouring a small amount into each of their cups. He'd given Freya less than Beth, and he was more hesitant when it came to pouring hers. It sparked a grin on the Grimes girl's face, did Daryl really think that Rick Grimes was somewhere out there waiting to punish him for supplying his daughter with alcohol?

God, Freya really missed her dad. And on that note, she brought the glass to her lips and swallowed down the contents in one gulp, immediately breaking into a coughing fit after. "Oh, shit. What the hell is in that?"

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