47 | pneuma what now?

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(season four, episode two)

FREYA PLUNGED HER machete into the skull of an advancing Walker, she pulled it out hastily and swung it to sever the head of a second one

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FREYA PLUNGED HER machete into the skull of an advancing Walker, she pulled it out hastily and swung it to sever the head of a second one. She'd been heading outside when Mika Samuels had come running down the hallway screaming about Walkers, and true to her words, Cellblock D was filled with Walkers. Not ones from the outside, though. These were people they knew but there was no time to dwell on that fact. Not whilst children's lives were at risk. "Where the hell is Daryl?"

"I'm right here." Daryl ran into the Cellblock with Rick, Sasha, Tyreese and Glenn fast behind him. "How'd this happen?"

Freya dodged an attacking Walker, and Daryl quickly sent a bolt into its face. "No idea I just came in and-" she scooped up one of the Woodbury kids and swung him into Tyreese's open arms, "and this was going on."

"You shouldn't be in here," Rick told her, eyes clouded with pure fear. He hadn't been on the frontline in a long time out of fear he'd lose who he was again and it showed by the way he immediately passed his rifle to the first passerby. "Here. Hold this."

"You shouldn't be in here," Freya stated, planting herself in front of him as the Woodbury residents rushed down the stairs in a panic. "You're the unarmed one."

"Need some help over here," Leo yelled, prompting Freya to glance over at him. He was stuck in some sort of Walker sandwich, one was pinned beneath him by his cleaver which was stuck in its face and the other one was pressing down on his back, teeth bared as he tried to hold it off with his free hand. "Round about now would be good."

Simultaneously, Freya and Sasha ran to his aid. Freya seized the Walker by its shoulder, spinning it to face her and then she swung her arm back, preparing to drive her blade into its face but before she could the weapon fell from her hands.

Sasha yanked it by the hair, thrusting her knife into its eye socket. She let it fall with a small thud then immediately moved over to Leo, pulling him up to his feet. Her hands landed on his shoulder as her eyes studied him for any signs of injury. "You bleeding anywhere? It didn't bite you, right? Not a graze?"

"Nothing," Leo assured her, his worried gaze lingering on Freya who just stood staring at her fallen weapon. "Freya, are you alright?"

Freya knelt down to retrieve her machete, she attempted to hold it in her left hand instead of her right but it felt incredibly uncomfortable, so she switched back to the right once more, silently praying that it wouldn't result in the death of anyone she loved. Her peripheral vision showed her father climbing the stairs, knowing the danger he was in without a weapon was enough to make her swallow down her shame and run up after him.

As Freya reached the top of the stairs, a Walker lunged out of one of the cells, pinning Glenn against the wall. Daryl acted fast, instructing Glenn to duck, and then he fired an arrow into the back of the Walker's head before its teeth could make contact with anyone else.

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