28 | little ass kicker

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(season three, episode five)

"RICK, YOU WITH ME?" Daryl was waving his hands in front of Freya's father's face but the man didn't even blink

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"RICK, YOU WITH ME?" Daryl was waving his hands in front of Freya's father's face but the man didn't even blink. He was physically there but mentally... Freya could only imagine how he felt. She and Carl got to say goodbye, and of course, it broke their hearts but she died knowing they loved her. Rick couldn't say the same and that was the problem.

Carl pulled himself free from Freya's embrace, and approached Maggie. He took the baby into his arms and gently shushed her.

Freya's lips twitched upward. Big brother Carl. He'd stepped up for the baby, just like she'd known he would. Mom would be proud.

"Let me see the baby," Hershel called to Carl.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl questioned, peering at Hershel for the answer. "We got anything a baby can eat?"

Carl carefully carried the baby over to him, allowing the old man to peer at her. "The good news is she looks healthy but she needs formula and soon or she won't survive."

Freya's head snapped up at that comment. The baby had to survive, otherwise, her mother's death mean nothing. They couldn't lose her baby sister.

"Nope, no way." Daryl voiced Freya's exact thoughts. "Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up," Maggie offered.

Glenn nodded in agreement. "I'll go too."

"Okay, think where we're going," Daryl replied with a nod then he turned his attention to the youngest Greene sister, "Beth."

He pulled Beth aside and said something to her quietly, Freya couldn't make out what it was but she could tell from the sad expression on Beth's face it was likely about her and her siblings. Siblings, that would take some getting used to. A brother and a sister, just like she'd always wanted. If only the circumstances had been better.

"Are T and Carol dead?" Freya asked Hershel as Beth rejoined them.

Hershel nodded sadly. "We saw T get bit and Daryl found Carol's bandana. No sign of her, so I'd assume so."

Freya lowered her head. "They didn't deserve that."

"I don't think anybody did," Hershel sympathised.

"You two get the fence, too many pile up we got ourselves a problem," Daryl yelled over at the prisoners. "Glenn, Maggie, vámonos."

The scraping of an axe on the ground drew the group's attention to Rick. He'd lifted his axe and was heading inside the prison.

"Rick!" Maggie called after him, but he didn't even turn to face her.

Freya broke into a sprint after him, coming to a halt at the stairs he was still climbing. "We already took care of it..."

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