59 | mr necrophiliac

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(season four, episode thirteen)

DARYL HAD BEEN frantically searching the woods for Beth and Freya whilst they'd been

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DARYL HAD BEEN frantically searching the woods for Beth and Freya whilst they'd been... well, busy in the cabin. When they finally found him he'd almost hugged them, but it was Daryl so he hadn't. The 'almost hug' was quite literally an awkward lunge at them before he shook his head and began an interrogation of where they'd been. Needless to say, he'd been in a foul mood with Freya ever since.

"What'd you expect to find by yourself?" Daryl asked Freya as they walked through the woods, Beth was in front trying to track something per Daryl's request, she'd asked him to teach her how to use the crossbow and apparently that was the way to do it. "You don't know the first thing about tracking and you ain't never paid attention when I tried to teach you."

"I just wanted to find Carl," Freya told him honestly, swallowing down the painful lump growing in her throat. "And I still do, so will you help me track him or not?"

Daryl shook his head. "Ain't nothin' to track, Freya. I'm sorry, I know you don't wanna hear it but maybe you need to."

"I heard it from you already," Freya reminded him, eyes narrowing. "I just think it's crap."

"Think what you want about it, doesn't change the facts."

"What you think is facts."

Beth came to a halt in front of them, snapping their attention to her. "Something came through here. The pattern's all zig-zaggy it's a Walker."

Daryl shrugged. "Maybe it's a drunk."

Beth rolled her eyes at him. "I'm getting good at this. Pretty soon I won't need you at all."

"Yeah," Daryl grunted, walking ahead of Freya. "Keep on tracking."

"Walkers aren't what we should be tracking. My brother is out there." Freya kicked a rock, aiming it at Daryl's shoe. "Fine, keep on ignoring me. Just don't surprised be when you wake up and I'm not there again."

"One of us is always gon' be awake to make sure you don't." Daryl turned to face her, "three of us are what's left. I ain't looking to make that number any smaller, you shouldn't be either."

"Guys," Beth hissed, voice barely audible. "I found what we're tracking."

Freya walked carefully alongside Daryl until they reached Beth, not wanting to spook the Walker. "Kill it then."

"It's got a gun," Beth whispered, glancing at Daryl who gave her a nod of encouragement.

The blonde moved forward, crossbow in hand ready to fire if necessary but before she could an animal trap clamped around her foot with a horrible clink. A pained groan came from her, attracting the attention of the Walker.

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