Chapter 25: The start of certain troubles

Start from the beginning






My ear drums hurt, I should have not turned the notifications on.





A moment of silence as I look over at the 20 boxes in my INVENTORY. Each were something else, as they were unique, but the most common thing is ammunition.

[Dear gods, my prayers are finally fulfilled. Free ammo!] I rejoiced as I put down an ammunition crate in front of me while making a prayer gesture to those above.

Let's see.....5 lmg boxes, 10 kraber magazines and then 15 pistol magazines together with an assortment of other stuffs such as fast loaders and bullet trackers. 

Tracers, incendiary, and then AP are also available.

[Right, I almost forgot. Are those guys still there?] I checked the screen again and yes, they are still in their spots.

I sat at the window, taking in each magazine one by one into my INVENTORY while monitoring the movements of the people from up here.

[Are you sure the product is there?] (??) Suddenly the microphone the drones picked up the conversation between two of the marked targets.

[Yeah, I saw her peeked at the window once from 2 days ago so I am sure of it. The problem is that the inn had knights staying for some time] (??) Product? At the inn?

They seem to refer to it as "she" so I might suspect that I knew what it is. 

{Ronin, hide at the backyard for a bit}

{Roger that}

I know that the kids will get disappointed, but I had to do it. Sorry.

With Ronin disappearing from the view, the men in question soon made their movements.

[Damn, that golem is guarding the place. How do we do it anyway? Did bossman had a plan  in mind] (??)

[That old fart only knows how to fuck young girls so we don't know what the fuck is going on with that guy. We have to take the product by force though no matter what] (??) My ears suddenly perked up as my attention was placed further into their conversation.

What did that bastard say? 


[We have to plan how to take her. It seems that she's occupying a room at the 2nd floor as what was reported earlier] (??) In a certain alley far away from Quagmire Inn, a few men gathered at the shadows.

[How about doing it in the night? Surely they are at rest, right?] (??)

[You fool, there is a golem present there! A powerful magician only comes to mind, especially that white witch. That bitch must have sniffed our locations, so we should be wary] (??) A plan to take something, someone, by force is being formulated right in this corner of the city. 

The organization or whatever they call it seems to have restarted their operations in the city, signs of that is the return of the missing cases being filed at the adventurers' guild. However, unknown to the current group at this specific alley is the glowing visor staring at them from above.

[One, men. How odd, I thought you would have done it immediately] (??)

[Wa!? Who are you!?] (??) That was the last time they will hear his voice, for this is their last time in the world.



Yay! I am now entering the 2nd face of college life, I mean I am now transitioning into my 2nd year in College. With that in mind, it seems that I can now have Sunday as my day of rest. What does that mean? That means I can now edit the drafted chapters on a weekly basis and not once per month.

Don't get me wrong, I already drafted the chapters from here on out. It is just that I wanted to insert important parts into the story to make it immersive by nature, though I am still improving. 

With that in mind, thank you for reading this rewrite of a fanfic I wrote and as always have a good day~


RE: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilot Vol1Where stories live. Discover now