Chapter 33

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Joseph P.O.V

Around 12:03 P.M

I snarled loudly as the two tigers dropped onto fours and started circling me, letting go of Miles in the process.

I motioned for him to run, he shook his head slightly but still darted into the bushes, where he was safe.

Teeth snapping near my right thigh brought my attention back to the two tigers, and how they were probably planning to kill me as painfully as possible.

I snapped right back, taking off one or two of Hans -the offending tiger- whiskers. Hans hissed and backed up slightly before resuming circling, just a little farther away this time.

Jade lunged forward and swiped at my shoulder, I winced as her claws grazed my skin and -lunging forward- bit her ear, taking off a small chunk.

Hans hissed and tackled me, yelping from the pain of his claws I bit down as hard as I could on his upper arm, hearing bone crunch I let go as he yowled and leapt away.

I now had several scratches down my side, and they all hurt fiercely, but not as fierce as my desire to protect Miles and my Pcubs.

Jade snarled and lunged forward, I dodged and bit down onto her side, I yanked off a piece of skin and backed away. I spat out my small trophy and smirked slightly at Jades expression.

Hans hissed and bit down onto my neck, I wiggled just enough to dislodge his jaws so they clamped down onto my shoulder instead and bit Hans ear, I yanked my head back and took out a fair chunk of the tip.

Hans hissed and backed up, he touched his ear and seemed shocked that the almost a third of it was gone.

Jade snarled and bit down on my leg, I howled and bit down onto her face, not really caring where I injured her. Jade yowled and let go, before I could see what damage I caused Hans tackled me again, seeming determined to avenge whatever wound I'd caused on Jade.

I bit down on the nearest bit of Hans I could, not really able to see what it was. Hans bit down on my shoulder, seeking to get me to let go but I didn't. I growled and shook the bit of fur and skin I had in my jaws a couple times before yanking my head back, tearing it off, spitting it out and biting down again.

Hans for some reason gurgled deep down in his throat, it almost sounded like blood was rushing into his airway. I repeated the process of ripping and tearing his fur until for some reason he went limp.

I pushed him off and saw that the piece of skin I had savaged was part of his neck, I could literally see his airway through the mess of his throat. I backed away, panting.

The bites on my shoulders and leg and claw marks all over my body hurt, and were quickly soaking the earth with my blood. My fur resembled my fathers after his fight with Miles, soaked through with blood and akin to a russet wolf's in some places.

Jade shrieked and crouched by Hans body, she nudged him a couple times before turning to me, snarling. Her body language practically screamed that she had gone feral from the shock and grief of losing Hans, who I guessed was her fated mate.

Jade shrieked again and lunged at me, I didn't have time to stop her before she bit down onto my throat.

I coughed and attempted to shove her off as her fangs dug into my neck and the strong grip of her jaws started to cut off my airway.

I reached around me for anything that could help me, my fingers touched a branch and I picked it up and swung it.

I heard the sound of tearing fur and skin as the branch -which was apparently pointy- dug into Jade, piercing her neck. Jade let go and stumbled away, toward Hans body.

She slumped by her dead mate and shuddered a couple times as she leaned against him, the branch still sticking out of her neck. Jade coughed up a bit of blood before a violent shudder ran through her and the quick jerky movements of her chest stopped as she stopped breathing.

I couldn't believe it, Me, Alpha Joseph, A normal wolf had just killed two tigers! Sure one had been through extreme luck but still!

And what's more lucky, I still seemed to be alive, at least I didn't feel like I needed to start gasping.

I dragged my injured leg toward the bushes as I headed toward where I could see Miles, who was talking with some of the pack members -Who had probably seen the damage I caused to the door and rushed over here, with the makeshift ambulance having probably been drove here by one of the pack doctors-.

I stumbled toward Miles, who seemed shocked, and relieved that I was still alive, as the thick bushes would've most likely obscured his -and the others- view of the fight.

I smiled at him and wagged my tail a couple times before my legs gave out and I fell down, I could hear everyone shouting as they realized I probably needed to go to a hospital now but the sounds were fading as I slipped into unconsciousness.

Around 2:43 P.M

I groaned as the light from the ceiling light crept into my eyelids. I attempted to find one of my pillows to shove over my face so I could keep sleeping but quickly realized I wasn't at home. I seemed to be in a hospital, or so I realized when I opened my eyes.

The second thing I realized was that Miles was sitting in a chair nearby, napping as I guessed he probably had been tired out by all the stress.

"Hey sleeping true beauty" I croaked, my voice hoarse -Probably from the bite wound that has been stitched up that is on my throat-.

"Wha?, JOSEPH! YOUR AWAKE!" Miles exclaimed, he smiled as wide as he could and hugged me, letting out a low rumble.

"Your kinda squeezing my sides, and there's several claw wounds there" I whispered, hugging him back and grateful that he was here, and that both him and our Pcubs seemed to be okay.

"Everyone is going to be relieved" Miles said, A tear slipping down his silky cheek. I smiled and kissed him, not really caring that my mouth probably still tasted like blood. I pulled away and moved a strand of hair away from Miles eye.

"Yeah, they probably are, and I'm relieved that you and our kids are okay" I said, touching noses with him.

I might be injured and probably would still be recovering from the damage done, and my leg might not heal completely ever, but at least Miles was sure beside me, and we were okay, and our children were okay. That was enough for me.


And so the terrible parents die! YES! I gave Joseph as many injuries as I did, because late be -as much as we can with anthropomorphic animals- realistic, in a fight between two tigers and a wolf the wolf would get serious injuries, if they even survived. -Don't worry, if he did die -Which is literally the thing I absolutely hate, so its a 0% chance of happening- he would die of a infection later down the line, so he at least sees his children once.


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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