Chapter 26

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Miles P.O.V

Month 5, Week 3, Day 7, Around 3:45 P.M

I decided I hated the lawyers Neighboring Alpha Bob hired in case his death was probably work of someone else. They kept asking rude questions and prodding into shit, literally mis-gendered Moon, and being all around assholes.

So far they've practically torn apart the damn pack-house -even everyone's rooms, I caught one of them sniffing a pair of panties, so apparently their perverts along with being assholes- and insulted everyone -Terribly I might add, I did not feel insulted at all and I could tell almost everyone else felt the same way-.

Now I was laying in Joseph's lap as he tried to come to a agreement with Dumbass Lawyer, Asshole Lawyer and Pervert Lawyer -fake names given by me since they don't seem inclined to tell us theirs, Joseph knows I call them that mentally but has requested I don't call them that out loud, to hopefully help him make them agree to not drag Bobs death to court-. I didn't call them that to their face, but I wished it wouldn't worsen the situation so I could.

"So what your saying is, my clients body tested positive, and by saying you did said test means you admit you were in possession of his body, for rabies, and he wasn't in control of his actions and nearly murdered that slutty little whore

-Not a whore or slutty, and I'm not little in any regard, Bob was the little one down under-

of a tiger -True, I am a tiger-" Asshole Lawyer said, narrowing his eyes at Joseph.

"Yes, and Miles is my mates name, and I can confirm he's not small." Joseph said, giving me a small smirk and I smirked right back.

"I didn't need to know the other tidbit of info, however if the tiger, Miles did indeed kill my client he needs to be arrested, even if for a day" Asshole Lawyer said, though I saw Pervert Lawyer glare at him for the first sentence.

"He is not going to jail, and if you attempt to drag him out the god damn fucking door, so help me I will show you just how painful that idiot with rabies death must've been" Joseph snarled, glaring at Asshole Lawyer.

"Fine then, but I do warn you, I will contact some of my clients contacts, and inform them of what happened and how he died" Asshole Lawyer snarled right back, then got up and left, followed by Dumbass Lawyer and Pervert Lawyer. Joseph -with me in tow- rushed over to them, growling softly.

"I will escort you out, I don't trust you to be alone in my pack-house" Joseph growled softly, glaring in particular at Pervert Lawyer, who was now looking at my stomach. He must've noticed I was pregnant, Shit.

"Hey, look! The whores fat!" Pervert Lawyer barked, then yelped when Asshole Lawyer sharply bonked him on the head.

"No you idiot, he must be pregnant" Asshole Lawyer snarled, glaring at Pervert Lawyer briefly before aiming his glare on me.

"So long Alpha Joseph, Miles the tiger and your unborn freaks of nature" Asshole Lawyer spat, breaking into a run when he heard Joseph's growling break into full out bone chilling snarling. Joseph slammed the door on them before turning to me.

"I'm glad that those scum are out of the Pack-house, I don't know if I would've been able to keep my cool if they insulted you one more time Miles" Joseph said, meeting my eyes.

"I don't know if I would've kept my cool either, but I'm glad those no dicked assholes are out of the Pack-house now" I said, offering him a small smile.

Joseph walked over and hugged me, wagging his tail slowly. I smiled and reached up to his ears, and quickly discovered then when I scratched them his tail want ballistic.

Great, now I have a method to calm and distract him.

Joseph grumbled about stupid tigers before leaning into my head, clearly enjoying his ear scratches. We curled up together and spent the rest of the day like that, just being lazy together.

Month 5, Week 3, Day 7, Around 1:00 A.M

The damn asshole lawyers just had to send Joseph a aggravating email at damn one in the morning.

Joseph started growling softly as he read it, and I peeked over his shoulder to see what the fuck was making him so irritated.

'Dear Alpha Joseph

-Stop being so god damn formal, god damn! The shoe stains- no floor stains need to learn that Joseph doesn't care how they address him as long as its not them addressing a casket-

'We have a ultimatum

-Ooh! Say it, I want to know what kind of threat you think will get Joseph to send me to jail- 

'if you do not give the tiger up to authorities some contacts of ours have agreed to abort your kids

-My heart nearly stopped at this, Joseph stopped to give me a hug, whispering into my ear to reassure me that he wouldn't let that happen, it took a full ten minutes for me to be ready to resume reading-

'If you do comply, we will insure that no harm comes to Miles, or your kids. However Miles location after your kids birth will be unknown, for our contacts wish to keep him, and will personally pay someone to drive your kids back to you

-Like hell I'm letting someone kidnap me! Joseph's growl tells me he agrees with me-

'We wait for your answer, let it be the right one'

Joseph looked at me and hugged me tight, growling at the screen. We both knew he wasn't agreeing to that shit.

This just meant that he had to make sure that everyone was on edge and ready for a attack, and to fight off Neighboring Alpha Bobs 'contacts'.

I snuggled into Joseph and we both fell back into sleep, the loud sound of each others heartbeats in our ears helping us forget about that infuriating message until morning.


Hmm Miles, i donno know, those lawyers seem pretty sus, I'm beginning to think theres a tiny-dicked asshole Karen among us.


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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