Chapter 31

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Miles P.O.V

Month Six, Week 1, Day 6, Around 10:57 A.M

I was sitting on the living room couch, lashing my tail.

The last three days had been hell, my so called parents couldn't take 'Fucking hell no you bitch!' for a answer and kept pestering me in a attempt to get me to change my mind and go with them to not only probably be abused but also for them to kill my fucking children!

Yeah fuck no! I was kinda worried that they were going to kidnap me -They probably were, who am I kidding their crazy enough to do that- and take me into the woods to kill my kids -and most likely me- by cutting them out of my belly -Also something that my 'parents' are crazy enough to do-.

So I was keeping me guard up, even if they probably would successfully kidnap me anyway, I wouldn't let them pack me into a white van without a fight. 

Speaking of that, A cloth was shoved in front of my muzzle, seeking to knock me out. I'm sorry but, your holding it wrong idiot!

I shoved the cloth away the bit the hand that held it, A muffled yowl sounded near my ears, telling me that my 'father' was a whiny little bitch that didn't like pain. I jumped up and spun around to face my 'parents'.

"I've told you no a million times, stop trying to possibly kill me and kill your grand-cubs" I said, lashing my tail.

"Those scrawny little wolf D.N.A laced shits are no grand-cubs of ours" Jade snarled, glaring at me.

"Last I checked I was still related to you, unfortunately" I shot back, returning the glare. Jade snarled and stepped toward me, I didn't bother stepping back, I could possibly beat her in a fight, however if Hans decided to stop being a whiny little bitch it would be a different story.

Jade lunged toward me, I side stepped and didn't bother hiding my snicker as she crashed into the wall.

Hans growled and attempted to grab me, I snapped at his neck and he retreated, rubbing where my teeth had taken a couple tufts of fur off.

"You idiot! If we both grab him he won't be able to get away!" Jade snarled, clearly realizing her husband was a dumb useless shit in a situation like this.

Jade grabbed my scruff and Hans lunged forward and wrapped his arms around me, like a hug, but more restraining. They dragged me into -what do you know!- A white van and tied me onto one of the back seats.

I glared at the back of their heads throughout the whole drive and didn't bother hiding my anger and displeasure at being kidnapped.

They drove to one of the deepest parts of the woods, where I'd seen -and stopped- A couple of murders, as this place was so deep in the woods that few knew it was here.

They dragged me out and threw me onto the ground, Jade motioned at Hans and he pinned me down.

Fear ran down my spine as Jade sharpened her claws nearby, then came over and tugged a couple tufts of fur off of my belly.

"Any last words to your little hybrid disgraces?" Jade snarled as she raised her hand-paw.

I closed my eyes and mentally whispered to my kids that I was sorry.


The loud familiar bark combined with the sound of a thud convinced me to open my eyes. And for fear for someone else to run down my spine.


Oh no, Our Miles, he's been kidnapped! Luckily someone we know has come to the rescue, even if it's not a fair fight.
(- Sorry that this is fairly short, I didn't know what else to put TwT -)


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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