Chapter 25

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Miles P.O.V

Month 5, Week 1, Day 5, Around 1:30

"You have to get a ultrasound!" Joseph shouted, for perhaps the fiftieth time within the last month or so. "

NO!" I shouted back, baring my teeth slightly.

"You are getting one today, even if I have to drag you there!" Joseph barked, baring his teeth right back at me. I lashed my tail and jumped, twisting away from his attempt to grab my damn scruff. I hated the idea of someone touching my stomach right now, it was normal in some species

-Namely tigers but doctors have it worst with elephants, damn walking tanks refuse to let doctors touch their stomachs if their pregnant seeing as multiple births in elephants are near unheard of and they are damn near infertile, and prone to losing the child-

and the doctors were used to it , but I wasn't going to get a ultrasound willingly.

But Joseph kept attempting to drag me there, and try to persuade me with the idea of knowing if its multiples and making sure our Pcubs are alright. Like damn hell I'm letting a doctor touch my stomach, he or she could do who knows what to my Pcubs!

Joseph snarled something to someone that apparently was behind me, and I felt someone grip my scruff firmly.

"Sorry brother, but I don't like the idea of something happening to my nephews or nieces simply because your being a stubborn idiot" Marques said -The traitor!- then started to drag me toward the car, with me hissing and cursing the whole way.

I sulked the whole car ride, Marques and Jesse had decided to go with us so they were there to, and Joseph attempted to reassure that with them there they could stop any attempts to harm my Pcubs. I still hated the idea of getting a ultrasound, nothing was going to change that.

We arrived at the hospital and went inside, Joseph gently holding my scruff so I wouldn't bolt. The doctor that was performing the ultrasound was a badger, and surprisingly albino like me -I only knew she was a badger because it was listed on her name tag, probably because she was tired to people getting confused and insisting she was a different species then she was-.

"Alright, and Mr. Miles, just so you know there is several male nurses of powerful species out there in case you decide to bolt, so please cooperate and I won't have to watch my fellow doctors treat several deep scratches on said nurses" the Doctor -her name tag read Nala- Said, offering me a small smile. I begrudgingly agreed and lifted up my shirt, snarling softly when she applied a cold gel on it.

"Now, please don't bite my arm off, I'm not a strong enough species to deal with a angry albino tiger, seeing as our shared color mutation makes us slightly stronger then average. Now, please look at the screen Mr. Joseph and Mr. Miles" Dr. Nala said, gesturing to the ultrasound machine. I pricked my ears, held my breath and listened.

One heartbeat -One Pcub-

Two Heartbeats -Two Pcubs-

It was twins, A genetic tradition in my family line. I could see them on the ultrasound, just floating there.

"Do you want to know the genders? I also can run a D.N.A test to see if one is albino, even though I won't to able to tell which one" Dr. Nala said, I looked at Joseph and we both nodded.

"Well, one has a dick -Nala tapped the screen, indicating one of the Pcubs, who was closer to the top of my womb- and the other doesn't -Nala tapped the on the screen, indicating the other Pcub- and I will need a blood sample from your womb, don't worry it won't hurt your son and daughter, for the D.N.A test" Dr. Nala said, smiling at us.

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