Chapter 14

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Miles P.O.V

Month 1, Week 1, Day 2, Around 9:00 A.M

I yawned and sat up, not processing for a moment what had happened yesterday. And then the memories hit me like a truck. I flattened my ears as new worry came to mind.

What if my parents catch wind of this and decide that they finally wanted to be in my fucking life, and then demand I have a abortion.

I dug the claws of one hand-paw into the bed and placed my other hand-paw over my stomach, which showed no signs yet, and I didn't expect to see any signs until at least the second month.

At least the visible changes, my attitude and strange habits would be practically supercharged for the next nine months, and I doubted that my instincts would let anyone bring anything sharp near my belly until I gave birth, and then my instincts wouldn't let the sharp object wielding person near my Pcub, or Pcubs.

Oh god what if it was a litter?! I buried my face in my hand-paws and let out a soft rrrr. Joseph mumbled something in his sleep and blinked open his eyes, probably woken up by me making noise. I looked over at him, he mumbled something I couldn't hear and sleepily sat up, yawning.

"Go back to sleep Joseph, its nothing" I said, looking away from him and focusing on the wall.

"Miles, its nine o'clock, I don't think I want to go to sleep and risk waking up at like one in the afternoon" Joseph said, gently putting his hand-paw my shoulder.

I huffed and got off the bed, swishing my tail slightly. I grabbed a pair of yellow pants and headed into the bathroom to change, making sure to brush my hair. When I came out of the bathroom Joseph had also changed, and was now wearing a pair of blue jeans.

I lightly flicked him on the nose with my tail and headed out the room. I heard him following as I went downstairs. I sat at one of the stools next to the kitchen island and grabbed some pancakes from a plate one of the pack-members had made.

God I need to remember to call them my pack-mates, I'm technically part of their pack now. Joseph sat on a stool next to me and also helped himself to some pancakes.

After we had finished eating Joseph asked me to remain in his office, I could pretty much do anything short of burning the place down or murdering someone -without it being warranted- but I had to remain in his sight.

Gee... There goes the protective mate instincts. I was temping to go fight some Feral's to remind him I am a tiger and am perfectly capable of defending myself.

But I decided to remain in his office, sitting on his lap because why not. At one point he had a meeting with a neighboring alpha, who gave me the weirdest and asked Joseph why the fuck I was on his lap.

Joseph refused to say the real answer and just said I was being clingy. We had both agreed to not mention that I was pregnant to anyone outside our pack, for safety reasons as well to avoid all the, 'What! But their so young!' Looks.

Month 1, Week 1, Day 2, Around 3:09 P.M

Joseph was freed from the work of being a Alpha, and I was allowed semi freedom. He still wanted me to remain in his sight but at least in his sight wasn't just a office.

Basically I could walk to a different room -minus the bathroom- and Joseph would follow me. I took great pleasure in running around everywhere, laughing every time I heard a muffled curse as Joseph realized I'd left the room.

Meanwhile mostly everyone else was watching from the sidelines and Kelsey was joining in the party of mate tormentors. A rather loud curse rang out as I heard something fall, or someone.

Apparently Aspen had tripped. I smirked and Kelsey and we both ran outside, I climbed a tree and helped Kelsey up, making sure to carefully grip his arm so he couldn't fall and monitor anything the branch did.

When Aspen and Joseph saw we were in a tree I'm pretty sure Aspen had a heart attack, and Joseph climbed up and helped me get Kelsey down.

Then Joseph promptly picked me up and carried me inside -alongside Aspen, who was carefully dragging Kelsey inside-. Joseph roped in his brothers -Jayden and Jesse, Jack wanted no part- to watch me to make sure I didn't pull a disappearing stunt again.

Its safe to say I pulled a disappearing stunt again. I kicked Jayden where it hurts and shoved Jesse down before bolting right back to the woods and climbing a different tree, climbing much higher this time since I didn't have to look out for Kelsey.

Joseph cursed when he spotted the tip of my tail, while my fur actually didn't look to shabby it was fucking terrible for camouflage, the pure white of my coat gave me away.

Joseph climbed up the tree and ragged me right back down, and managed to get me to agree to settle down.

I have no idea why I had such a big burst of energy, but it could have to do with the fact that I'd been cooped up in a office for like five hours previously.

Month 1, Week 1, Day 2, Around 10:00 P.M

I crashed at this point, I'm pretty sure the pancakes from this morning and the huge amount of syrup I'd put on them had given me a sugar rush, but I finally called it quits and started falling asleep against Joseph, who was probably going to regret deciding to chase me around the house and yard tomorrow, I pitied his poor legs.

Joseph picked me up and carried me toward our room, I fell asleep in his arms, feeling safe there.


Damn Miles, who gave you sugar? I thought I'd make this funny chapter because why not? Started off semi gloomy and then you get the comedy that is Miles when he gets his paws on to much sugar 😂.


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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