Chapter 4

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Miles P.O.V

Around 4:30 P.M

I stretched out lightly, trying not to move to much in order to not jostle the wolf right next to me, my mate, Joseph.

Even now, a few hours later the shock and near elation of finding my mate hadn't faded, and I wasn't protesting the emotions, just wishing they weren't so damn strong.

As if on purpose my stomach rumbled, declaring my hunger and deciding to oh so rudely interrupt my peaceful nap with my new mate. Asshole.

"Should we head down to the kitchen in search of food?" Joseph asked, lifting his head to look at me. I huffed softly but didn't protest finding food, I just didn't want to get up from the comfort of Joseph's -No- our bed.

Joseph let out what I guessed to be a cross between a soft bark and a laugh before hauling my ass of the bed and carrying me downstairs.

I could see several wolf's downstairs, including a pregnant Cream wolf I guessed to be around six month's along, a ginger wolf I guessed to be the cream wolf's mate and a little 3 to 4  year old I guessed was their pup.

"Hello Joseph! Who's the tiger?" The ginger wolf called out, wagging his tail slightly, which I guessed to mean he was happy, even though lashing your tail for felines meant we were angry.

"Miles, the ginger is Aspen, his mate -the cream- is Kelsey and their daughter is Reese, Y'all this is my mate, Miles" Joseph said, clearly taking pride in the fact that I was his mate.

"His fur is so pretty!" The little pup, Reese, called out and I didn't realize I widened my eyes slightly, it was the first time I had heard my fur being called anything even a inch away from a curse from the Moon Goddess.

"Hello dear, its nice to meet you" Aspen said, lightly dipping his head.

"Its nice to meet you to, I would get up to shake your hand but Aspen is insisting I stay sitting or laying down since when I was carrying Reese I nearly miscarried several times" Kelsey said, smiling slightly.

"It's nice to meet you to, and hopefully your second little pup stops trying to run away" I said, then promptly hissed in surprise when Joseph put me down on one of the chairs.

I had a problem with this because I was no longer in contact with him, and that was something that needed to be corrected. Joseph quickly grabbed a slab of some unknown kind of meat, quickly warmed it up and set in in front of me before sitting on the chair beside me.

I could've technically gotten the meat myself but I let him pamper me, but as soon as I started feeling less needy I was quickly putting a stop to babying, I had never been babied properly in my life and I didn't see the appeal. As my stomach growled again -which was probably brought on by the scent of the meat- I dug into my food, making short work of it. I would've simply enjoyed savoring the food but my stomach demanded I scarf it down.

"Damn Joseph, if he eats your ass like that I'm doubting your sitting for a week!" Aspen said, whistling softly and smirking at Joseph's expression.

"To be fair, I am a bottom. However I do wonder if his ass eating abilities are good" I said as I licked the juices from the meat off my my hand-paws. I glanced at Joseph and if I'd had my glasses off I would've mistaken his face fur for being russet.

I gently stocked him closer to me, and decided to groom his ears since the fur was ruffled. He yelped softly when I started running my tounge over his ears, metaphorically smoothing the fur down, and drenching it in my saliva to.

When I had finished his impromptu ear bath my scent was beginning to mix with his, and I was satisfied with that.

"Could you give me a warning next time? I thought you were doing something else to my ears first" Joseph whined softly, before getting up and walking around a foot or so away. I huffed and got up, walking over to him I simply stood beside him, waiting to see his reaction.

He seemed stressed, but I could figure out the exact cause, but I guessed it had to do with his family.

A ginger wolf with a brown patch in his hair and -a first for me- a tiger patterned wolf turned the corner and ran to Joseph, hugging him and saying muffled congratulations. Apparently Jesse had spilled the beans.

"Its nice too meet you, I'm Jack and the idiot over there is Jayden, my several minute older brother" The tiger patterned wolf, Jack said, letting go of Joseph and extending a hand toward me. I went to shake it and nearly yelped when he pulled me into a quick hug. He let go and looked around the room, then ran off toward one of the corners before returning with a white and black wolf.

"This is my mate Moon, Jayden's mate, John's, around here somewhere but I think he might've pulled a disappearing act" Jack said, swishing his tail slightly.

"Its nice to meet you to, I'm Miles but if the tattle-tales told you about your brother being my mate I'm pretty sure they told you my name" I said, then shot a glare toward Jesse and Marques, who had decided that entering to room when I had just realized me and Joseph's bond had been tattled about was a good idea.

Soft yelps caught my attention and I turned toward the other door, the one that led to what I guessed was the front porch. A tan wolf with tiger patterned color-points had just entered the room.

It was the Alpha of Green River Pack, Dillon, Joseph's father. And from the expression on his face he was either not happy with my species, my coloration, or my gender.

I guessed he was pissed about my gender from the way he kept glaring at my chest, probably pissed about the lack of boobs -Not that I wanted those anyway-, and then my crotch, probably pissed about the presence of my dick -Which I'm proud to have and if it wasn't against the law I'd go outside naked just to show off its magnificence-.

I pinned my ears back and stood upright, Dillon might be Joseph's father but I wasn't afraid to inflict serious injury if I had to fight for my spot as Joseph's mate.


Dick-head of a father Dillon is here. GO MILES, KICK HIS ASS!


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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Green River PackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora