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10 years prior, Joseph P.O.V

I blinked trying not to cry as I crouched beside the bed, looking at the brown she-wolf on it with a mournful expression.

A sickly sweet smell clung to her, I didn't know what it was but I hated it with every fiber of my being, I didn't know why but my instincts told me it was a evil smell, and one I hoped to never scent again.

"Listen to me" my mother rasped as she looked me directly in my eyes, Hers were a bright vibrant green, a much brighter shade then me own.

"What is it momma?" I whispered, whining softly as her heartbeat spiked, I could hear it with my enhanced senses, but I didn't want to. I don't know why but it keeps spiking and pausing, and my heart feels like its about to stop every time it does so.

"Did your teachers teach you what a mate is in school" Momma said, her voice soft and whisperly but also raspy. I nodded and leaned forward to press my head against her chest, like I would do whenever something scared me before, for some reason I knew I wouldn't be able to do this soon, but I couldn't understand why, she wasn't leaving me was she?

"We only have one mate in a world of millions, if you should find yours treasure them and protect them with your life if they need protecting, but do not protest if they are the one protecting you. Promise me pup, that you will love and cherish your mate if you should find them, treat them like the god or goddess they are to you"

I whined and looked away for a second, before meeting Mommas eyes again and nodding. Momma smiled and leaned her head forward to nuzzle her snout against my face, I yipped softly and leaned into her, happy that my Momma was right here with me.

I blinked as I felt someone else nuzzle against me, I looked and saw my brother Jayden, the second born of our litter. Our brothers Jack -third born- and Jesse -fourth born- joined us, nuzzling into me, Jayden and Momma like we would when we were much smaller.

I heard my father twitch his tail and quietly huff from where he stood by the door, clearly impatient for us to leave the room so he could have alone time with Momma.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard Mommas own heart start to slow down drastically. I yelped -as did my brothers- and started whining loudly nuzzling into Momma as panic took me over. Mommas heart slowed down more and more, and her breath came in short gasps and were fewer in between.

Mommas heartbeat fluttered once, twice and then stopped. I felt my fur go cold, I didn't know why, surely Mommas heart would start beating again soon right? I started howling and nudging Momma, each nudge with more force.

I kept howling louder as Momma refused to wake up, tears streaming down my face I buried my head against her chest, growling at anyone that tried to pull me from her. Momma was gone, and my world would never be the same again.

19 years prior, Jenny P.O.V

I smiled as I gently touched noses with the tiger cub I held, he was my sisters son but she had lost all parental rights after abandoning him and attempting to kill his brother.

His brother, who I had named Marques, was still recovering from the deep wounds across his back. Yes we healed fast but that didn't mean you should dig your claws into your sons back and nearly kill him!

I turned my attention back to the cub in my arms, I had named him Miles. Miles had been blessed with pure white fur and striking pinkish-red eyes but my sister was bull-headed enough to think that being Albino was a curse, when it reality Miles snow white fur was beautiful, unmarred by a single marking.

Small mewls reminded me that Marques was against my side, and was protesting the extra attention his brother was getting. I smiled and moved my head over to touch noses with him, he had regular tiger coloring and patterning -like me- but still looked mighty striking and cute- oops I mean fierce.

I gently grabbed Miles by the scruff before scooping Marques into on of my arms. Standing on three legs was tricky but it was necessary if I was to get to the nearest town quickly, while I had taken the job of mom for my nephews glady enough I had no milk, and thus needed to buy some formula. It would be a purse pinching first year but I was willing to pay the price if it meant my nephews stayed alive, despite my sisters cruel determination to kill them.

It was a practice our mother had done, I had been thrown into the snow when I was barely old enough to fend for myself, and only through promising to become a servant had I been able to stay with my mom.

My sister had been even crueler then our mother and didn't even wait until her cubs were able to at least survive before tossing them away like discarded trash.

I had been nearby when I heard Marques wailing and had come into the clearing to see Jade -my sister- pinning him down and digging her claws -which looked huge against his small body- into his back and ignoring his pained squeals.

I had nearly fought with her but had restrained myself and went for plan b, the second most reasonable option.Which was to simply grab the cubs and run. My sister had cursed me out and disowned me but I didn't care, I didn't even see her as a sister at the point, just a monster.

I slid to a stop at the highway, I opened the backpack I had on my and grabbed some clothes out, setting Miles and Marques down briefly I slid on my clothes and then gently picked up my nephews again before slowly heading into town, away from my sister and her terrible husband and toward a new future for me and my nephews.


✨❤✨ Our baby's story had begun!
Does anyone hate Jade or is it just me? Jenny is our hero here, You go girl! and poor Joseph, Jayden, Jack and Jesse, it must be rough to lose your mum at only 9 years old.

Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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