Chapter 19

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Miles P.O.V

Month 2, Week 3, Day 6, Around 4:00 A.M

I had woken up early for no reason, besides my instincts. For some reason my body had decided four a.m was a grand time to wake up and I was now sitting on me and Joseph's bed, wondering when sleep would claim me.

Joseph mumbled something about stupid cats being awake at way to early and swatted at me, yawning and attempting to remain somewhat asleep.

He grabbed me and scooted me closer, holding me against his chest and sleepily licking my ears. I mrowwed and wriggled a little bit, attempting to get away before succumbing to it. I drifted back into sleep, still unsure what woke me.

Month 2, Week 3, Day 6, Around 10:00 A.M

I studied myself, I know sported a little bit of what looked like flab, I knew it was evidence I was pregnant. At least it was still able to be hidden with a shirt -if I wished to wear one- and a scent masker.

"Morning mister wake up in the middle of the night" Joseph yawned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He looked at me for a couple seconds, eyes lingering on the hand-paw I had pressed to my belly.

"It's barely showing, and if your happy or worried about it, I think you look cute, and will continue to look cute, pudgy kitten" Joseph said, adding the last part teasingly. I swatted at him and got off the bed, stretching -purposely turning my ass to his face as I did so- and walked toward the door, and headed downstairs.

I heard Joseph follow me as we walked right into the middle of a argument between Aspen and Kelsey about Kelsey being on bed rest with his due date so soon -within the next week of so-. I pushed in between them as I walked over to the kitchen counter, thus successfully interrupting their argument.

"We were kinda arguing there Miles, don't be so rude" Aspen said, shooting me a glare. He still hadn't quite forgiven me for how often I dragged Kelsey into my shenanigans.

I stuck my tongue out at him -like the immature tiger I still was, I have to take every opportunity to act like a idiot while I still can blame it on my immaturity- and turned to Joseph who had walked up to me. Once again, Joseph slipped a fucking sedative into my food/drink and dragged me off to his office so I could suffer with him.

Month 2, Week 3, Day 6, Around 3:00 P.M

Ah the highlight of my day, hearing small-dicked Bob yell at my poor mate. This time the neighboring Alpha chickened out and dared to curse the goddess over a voice mail.

He was promptly facing the wrong way and thus his insults were as shitty as diarrhea, which I suspect he might have, along with a host of other things wrong involving his ass, including the fact that he was still a ass Virgin. Like c'mon man! Sex up the ass is nice, why haven't you tried it yet?

Oh wait, you to much of a coward and afraid you'll like it and thus be dubbed a bottom. Like bruh, I have even seen -and been told stories about- my brother Marques bottoming, and I've seen him damn well near force his dominance on Jesse. Bottoming does not make you a full time bottom!

But it does make you gay or at least bisexual. Maybe that's why he hasn't tried it yet?

Anygays -Whoops, anyways-, his cowardly, shitty, outright laughable email reads as thus:

'Get rid of that damn mangy slutty flea ball

-we went over this last time, I'm not fucking mangy! And I'm not a fucking slut either!-

'or I WILL hurt you and your pack Alpha Joseph

-No need to get no formal, its not like he cares if the stain on his shoe doesn't address him properly-

'I am not kidding, get rid of that freak of a tiger

-I am a freak, I'm fucking pregnant and am a male for fucks sake! But you probably meant me being anthropomorphic right? Well get this! Your anthropomorphic to!-

'I won't even spare the womb-less adults, ill just kidnap the adults with wombs and the kids, rape and abuse the kids until they fucking kill themselves and use the adults with wombs as breeding factorys

-Report him to the fucking police right now Joseph! This is not a laughing matter! *growl* The next time I see your face ill rip you to fucking shreds neighboring Alpha Bob, I am not even fucking kidding-

'Ill burn your territory down, and water the ground with the blood of your pack members!

-Yep, this guy is a fucking psychopath, give me a second, I'm calling the police-

'You hear me?

-I am currently blocking one of my ears with my tail tip and the other with my finger, so no, no I don't hear you-

'I want your answer by next month, if you don't kick that tiger out I am coming there personally to deal with it'

-Excuse you! I am a he/him not a it/its! *hrrrrruhm*-

And thus the email that broke probably every law involving safety and violence prevention ended. I wish I hadn't read it.

Not that Bob the wimps insults were actually the insult of the email but rather the way his threats -even if he was to cowardly to actually follow through with them- made my stomach turn and made me feel like throwing up.

Wait no, it was the online presence of Bob the roach. I am not going to preform my shenanigans today, rather I am going to attempt to recover from being exposed to a male Karen with a bad case of bad insult diarrhea.

My head hurts now, and I still feel like throwing up. Oh wait, I'm pregnant. Its probably the morning -all day- sickness.

Month 2, Week 3, Day 6, Around 10:00 P.M

I stayed awake a full twelve hours! Yes! I flopped onto Joseph, who was laying on the bed and let all muscles on my body relax. Finally, sleep time!

I had been unable to nap today with the email from neighboring Alpha Bob lingering on my mind. But now, sleep claimed me.

I was probably going to wake up at the middle of the night just to hack into neighboring Alpha Bob's account and spend his money on magazines about getting a bigger dick/getting a dick -for FtM trans people in reality, but it could convey my insult to JUST neighboring Alpha Bob about his tiny dick- Ah, what fun tomorrow would be!


Sorry about Neighboring Alpha Bob, don't worry, he dies soon.


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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