Chapter 20

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Miles P.O.V

Month 3, Week 1, Day 4, Around 12:00 P.M

I was sitting next to Kelsey on his bed, Aspen having asked me to keep him company and make sure he didn't do stupid shit or nearly endanger himself while Aspen briefly want downstairs.

At the current moment I was talking to Kelsey, discussing shit like what Kelsey thought his pups fur color was going to be and whether or not I thought I was having multiples -I do, I think its at least twins-.

Turns out we were going to know the fur color of Kelsey and Aspen's pup soon.

Kelsey gripped the bed sheets and winced, I turned to him, all thought of what we had just been talking about sprinting out of my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, scooted closer to him and lowering me head so our eyes were level with each others.

"I'm fine, just a cramp" Kelsey said, wincing again. This time I saw a subtle ripple pass along his flank, I had not seen that ripple before with any if Kelsey's previous cramps.

"Are you sure?" I asked, letting out a soft mew in my nervousness. If Kelsey was about to go through what I thought he was about to go through I was going to get a up close and personal first-hand experience with having to deal with someone giving birth. It didn't help that c-sections weren't done unless it was dangerous to give birth naturally.

"I- No!! Get Aspen!" Kelsey yelped, wincing again, when a second ripple -this time slightly more powerful- ran down his side.

"ASPEN!" I roared, whipping my head toward the door. I heard the sound of pawsteps practically flying up the stairs before the door slammed open.

"IS KELSEY ALRIGHT, Oh.... Shit! JOSEPH CAN YOU FETCH ONE OF THE PACK DOCTORS?" Aspen shouted, stopping at the doorway briefly before coming in and gently sitting beside Kelsey.

I huffed softly and rested my head on Kelsey's shoulder, simply doing what my instincts were telling me to do.

I heard pawsteps but played no mind, I could barely hear them anyway over the drowning sound of Kelsey's heartbeat, which seemed unnaturally loud to me.

I looked up and saw one of the Pack Doctor's motioning to me, probably wanting me to get out. I snarled at him and he moved to grab me and probably move me aside. I felt a unbearable desire to protect Kelsey and snapped at the Pack Doctor, drawing some blood on the end of his finger.

"Move" the Pack Doctor snarled, clearly upset with my refusal to move. Something didn't sit right with me, something about his scent and the way he spoke.... Then it hit me. Neighboring Alpha Bob smells like the Pack Doctor, meaning this doctor was a fake from Red Moon, and probably intended to do something awful to Kelsey and his unborn pup.

The Pack Doctor raised one hand-paw and attempting -key word being attempting- to bring it down of my shoulder, I saw that he held a syringe with something in it, probably something that would do me harm and I snapped. I grabbed his arm in my jaws and twisted, snapping the bone.

He howled something about stupid freak of a tiger and tried to bite me. Joseph saw him attempt to hurt me and barreled him away from me, tackling him to the ground.

I didn't pay attention to the fight going on, I meowed -one of the first times I've made such a sound- and attempted to catch Kelsey's eyes. Kelsey focused directly on me and I made a show of breathing deeply and evenly.

Kelsey copied me and his breathing evened out, I didn't let him move his eyes from mine, when he did I made a mewling sound to draw his attention back to me.

Fifteen long minutes passed and the imposter doctor was taken care of -aka slaughtered by the wolves in the room who were already on edge and feeling protective of Kelsey- and one of the real Pack Doctors came in.

He didn't move to Kelsey's side, rather said "Miles is being a better support then I can" and stayed by the door, waiting nearby so he was here in case something went wrong.

My instincts told me when it was time for Kelsey to push and I gently pushed against his side as a indicator, still not taking my eyes off of his. The Pack Doctor moved in front of Kelsey and said "Let the cursing commence, I've heard alot of shit and nothing can insult me or shock me anymore".

As Kelsey pushed he began to insult everyone's dicks and beyond, here are some of the highlights of what he screamed:

"Aspen you dirty minded poor excuse of a wolf! I don't know why I agreed to do this a second fucking time but I know it was your fault! If you stick that fucking dick anywhere near me for the next two weeks ill put a fucking dick cage from Amazon on it! Oh god.... This is why I hate unprotected sex! Miles don't blame me if I bite your ear, my actions are under the excuse of I'm in labor

-he did then go on to proceed to bite my ear, which hurt and I'm pretty sure nearly gave me a new piercing from his bottom canine teeth-

"That pup better come out soon or I'm using Aspen's dick to fish it out! FUCKING HELL! Doctor get it out! My ass feels like I'm shitting but the shits stuck!"

My ears still feel sore from how loud his howling was. Kelsey quickly stopped when a soft whining filled the room and the Pack Doctor held up a tiny pup.

The pups fur was extremely short and is was hard to tell the color at this age, but it looked to be cream with ginger color points, and within the next twenty-four hours the pack would be able to tell for sure.

-Fun fact, males with wombs lactate like females for the first twenty-four hours. apparently the baby needs to drink its parents milk or some shit like that for its first meal and after that its fine to drink formula-

The Pack Doctor handed Kelsey his pup and Kelsey brought him up to his chest. It was odd seeing the pup latch onto Kelsey's nipple but I didn't really attempt to look away. I pulled away from Kelsey and scooted backwards, simply watching the happy mama-wolf and his new pup.

"What are you going to name him?" I asked softly, still watching Kelsey and his new pup. "With the permission of you and Joseph, Rowan Miles Joseph ****" Kelsey said, smiling at the pup -Rowan-.

"I'm honored" Joseph said, dipping his head.

"As am i" I said, smiling at Kelsey.

the rest of the day for Kelsey and Aspen was spent getting to know their new pup, and Joseph dragged me to his office to be tortured with paperwork again.

Month 3, Week 1, Day 4, Around 12:00 P.M

I lay in bed next to Joseph, thinking about what had occurred around a mere twelve hours before. Kelsey's labor had seemed painful but the connection with Rowan.... I didn't regret my choice to keep my Pcubs.

No matter how painful and complicated my labor was I would get myself through it by thinking about how my Pcubs would finally be there and I would finally get to hold them. I placed a hand-paw on my slightly swollen stomach, but that was a worry for the future, I was only around three months along and would have around six months to prepare myself for my new reality.

Joseph mumbled and gently hugged me, seeming to realize in his sleep that I was still awake. I mewed softly and cuddled into him falling into sleep. My dreams were filled with my future Pcubs and about how they would look, and how many.

I smiled in my sleep, truly happy right here by my mates side and with kids of our own on our way.


Less of a silly, funny chapter, and more of a heartfelt one. I didn't plan on the whole fake Pack Doctor shit but I just went with the flow. (I also didn't think of last names so that's why Rowan's last name is in *'s)


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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