Chapter 32

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Joseph P.O.V

Around 10:57 A.M

I was sitting on my office, unnerved about being away from Miles but he had insisted on his alone time. I just didn't trust Jade and Hans, they had been sneaking around last night, and there was a strange purchase for ropes on my credit card.

Which was weird, why would they need ropes? I then remembered what they had 'requested' of Miles, and my blood ran cold. They were planning to fucking kidnap him!

I spun around in my chair and quickly stood up.

A muffled yowl of pain from downstairs hit my ears and I nearly yelped.

I hurried toward the noise but the door was blocked by something on the other side. I could hear noises of fighting, Miles and Jade speaking, and Jade and Hans dragging someone out the door.


I used a wooden bat to punch a hole in the door and managed to get out, I looked at what I'd down and briefly regretted it, for after all since I broke it I'd have to pay for it.

But then I shook my head and rushed over to where the car keys were kept, but most of the cars wouldn't be fast enough.

I thought back to something, A wolf running feral stance could get up to as fast as a feral, wild cheetah, which was around the speed a car could go.

I opened the door and dropped onto fours, sniffing the air I quickly determined where the van and went -The van faintly smells like Miles- and raced off in that direction.

Despite my worry for Miles running like this, Like the way our ancestors had, was relaxing and freeing. The wind through my fur and the rhythmic thrum of my hand-paws and paws almost seemed natural.

This was why wolves liked to run like wild animals, it just felt so right to run like this, free as we practically flew over the earth. Our legs still remained mostly like our ancestors legs, just longer and with bigger paws, which meant that when we bent over and stood on fours it didn't look odd, not like a human walking on fours, which just looked plain off.

We also didn't get tired as easily, I could keep going like this for easily over a couple hours, and even then probably only be panting and needing a small break before continuing.

I stuck my tongue out and barked , not really caring who heard me.

I stopped around a hour later, sniffing the air I quickly located where the van was parked, I then started to track Jade, Hans and Miles scents through the woods, still on all fours to avoid giving myself entirely away.

I hid behind a particularly thick bush when I saw Jade, I peeked around the bush slightly, and bristled at the scene in front of me. Hans was pinning Miles to the ground, preventing him form getting up and Jade was sharpening her claws on a piece of wood nearby.

Jade finished sharpening her claws and walked over to Miles and tugged a couple tufts of fur off of his belly, rage run through me as she did so.

"Any last words to your little hybrid disgraces?" Jade snarled as she raised her hand-paw.


I barked, lunging at Jade and knocking her away from Miles. We both landed on the ground with a thump, I quickly got up and faced Jade, growling softly.

Two tigers versus one wolf wasn't fair at all, but I was willing to risk losing -my life- in order to make sure Miles and my unborn little Pcubs were safe.


You kick their asses Joseph! Also, did you like how I described what running on all fours is like to them?
(- Sorry that this is fairly short -Again-, I didn't know what else to put TwT -)


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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