Chapter 13

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Miles P.O.V

Some time later, 6:51 P.M

I groaned and opened my eyes, flicking my tail slightly. I bolted upright with a curse when I saw the state of the bed. Me and Joseph had really gone at it apparently, the bed had several deep cuts from my claws and cum over the spot we had lain, which was where I was laying at the moment.

I got up and walked toward the bathrooms, tail stiff and movements slightly awkward. I originally planed to take a shower first but decided to use something from my backpack, that I hoped was either wrong or faulty.

I pulled out one of the pregnancy tests I had hid in the bottom of my backpack, i always carried them around since either accidents could happen or my sex partner of that time period was feeling risky, frisky and a fair bit drunk.

As per the tests instructions, I pissed on it, and then I hid it before hopping in the shower to avoid someone else stumbling upon it. When I was done my shower I put on a pair of black pajama pants, and then checked the test.

It-it was positive. Shit!


I yelled, trying to keep the panic from my voice. This wasn't real, we both weren't ready yet! Shit, shit, shit! This is why I should've told him to pull out or use a condom! I heard Joseph dash up the stairs and run into our room.

"MILES! Where are you!" He said, quickly checking our room.

"In here..." I said, flattening my ears as far as they would go. He saw me sitting on the floor, tears running down my cheeks and holding a positive test in my hand.

"Oh" He whispered, crouching down beside me and carefully pulling me against his chest.

It's"W-what are we going to do? W-we can get a abortion if you want-" I sniffled, but stopped speaking when Joseph growled lowly.

"Please, don't. They might've not been planned but maybe we can see if we can provide them a good life despite our age and inexperience. The pack will always be there if we need help" Joseph said, gently resting his head on mine.

"O-ok.... I just hope its not a litter, I don't want my pelt to be marred with grey furs" I said, smiling at my own attempt of a joke. Joseph snorted softly, then hugged me closer if that was possible.

"Should we tell the pack?" I whispered, twisting my head so I could meet his eyes.

"I guess..... And I'm whopping the asses of those that attempt to tease you, I don't care what they say about me" Joseph said, then picked me up. I didn't protest, I don't want to walk anyways and he was offering me a way to avoid walking.

Joseph carried me downstairs and set me in one of the chairs nearest to the stairs, probably so in case of a fight he could quickly grab me and carry me upstairs.

"So, I'm guessing your becoming a father earlier then planned?" Marques asked Joseph, a low snarl present in his tone.

"Brother, stop. If you attempt to fight him I will jump in the fucking way and take the hits myself" I said, lashing my tail and pinning my ears back. Marques backed up but clearly was still angry at Joseph, despite the fact that me and Joseph equally carried the blame.

"So.... Are we allowed to plan ahead in terms of gifts or do we have to wait until seeing the genders and how many Pcubs?" Kelsey asked, a gleam in his eye.

"Wait until we know the number, genders going to be hard to tell until their born" I said, huffing softly. I hadn't realized Aunt Jenny was in the room until she hugged me.

"Congratulations Miles, it seems just yesterday you and Marques were small abandoned cubs that my sister had left behind" Aunt Jenny whispered, her hug was comforting and reminded me of when I had been younger, where both me and Marques hadn't had a care in the world as we snuggled against our aunt.

"Thank you aunty, for everything" I whispered back, leaning wholeheartedly into the hug. Aunt Jenny pulled away, smiling softly and walked over to the kitchen island and sat at one if the stools there.

After that everyone seemed determined to congratulate us, and no-one seemed to think bad of us for having Pcubs at nineteen, they all understood it was a accident.

Kelsey kept joking that within six months I was going to understand how he felt having a overprotective mate, I shot back that he should blame his body's faults for nearly killing Reese and making Aspen overprotective over Kelsey and their unborn son.

Most of the night was spent downstairs, joking around. I could hear some wolves cursing and stuff being moved upstairs so I guessed Joseph and asked some of the pack members to replace the mattress, which could've probably just been cleaned if it hadn't been for my claws. Oops.

Aspen and Kelsey were the first to call it a night, Aspen practically forcing Kelsey up the stairs once it hit nine p.m. Jayden and John were next, wanting to go to sleep.

Then Jesse and Marques, heading outside to probably duck without risking waking everyone.

My aunt was last, as she went passed by me she whispered in my ear "I'm proud of you Miles, and I mean it. You and Marques have been the closest things to a cub of my own I've ever had, and I wouldn't be able to be any prouder of you were my cubs and not my sisters".

I watched as she headed upstairs, A low rumble thundering in my chest as a replacement for a purr.

Finally at around eleven p.m the wolves upstairs finished the mattress and -probable- room cleaning and me and Joseph were given the green light to go sleep.

Me and Joseph headed upstairs and flopped onto the bed, me curled against his chest like always. And we both drifted to sleep, dreams free from the worries today had given us.


Pcubs! I got the idea to call their kids that from LYNEA.


Hope you enjoyed and see you Honey Kittens in the next chapter.

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