My Family, My Life

Start from the beginning

"That bastard coerced her!"

Shaking his head, the officer corrected, "No, he did not, she chose this all by herself."

Moss swore loudly and the officer threw him a dirty look, "If you don't tone it down you will stay in your cell an extra week!" The officer threatened.


A week later, everyone fell smoothly into their roles, Abby nourished her children by showering them with every ounce of love she had in her, the children looked happy and flourished, Steven started to eat again and gained a few pounds, his heart swelled with joy, and Alice smiled from ear to ear to watch her favorite family thrive.

"Is there any coffee left?" John asked, as he sat down at the kitchen table and smiled up at Alice.

Alice smiled and couldn't help the twinkle in her eyes, as she grabbed the coffee and poured some in his cup. "Would you like a few eggs and toast?"

"That's sounds good, I'm famished!" John answered, he wasn't really that hungry, but he enjoyed watching Alice cook. His eyes glued to her rear end, as it swayed from left to right while she moved around in the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.

Alice thoughts were scattered all over the place, she thought John was a very handsome man and her cheeks turned fifty shades of red, as she entertained the thought of kissing him.

Little feet ran inside the kitchen and laughter filled the room, as Stephan hid under the table and placed his hand over his mouth.

"Has anyone seen Stephan?" His father asked, "I looked all over the place, but I think the aliens took him!"

Alice turned and looked under the table and Stephan motioned for her to not rat him out. "No we haven't seen him this morning."

Trying hard not to laugh, Steven said, "well I guess if the aliens took him he won't be able to come with me to the toy store."

Stephan jumped out of his hiding place and yelled, "Here I am! When are we leaving for the toy store?"

Everyone broke out with laughter and Steven grabbed his son and smothered him with butterfly kisses all over his face. "We will go after lunch." Steven promised, and watched with a smile on his face, as Stephan raced out of the kitchen excitedly.

"Anything left for me?" Steven asked, since his appetite had returned he was always hungry.

"In a few minutes." Alice answered, as she prepared John's plate.

"What's the schedule today Mr. Colby, John asked, feeling blessed to be working for Steven and his family.

"Just call me Steven," Steven reminded him for the hundredth time, "I'm waiting for my wife to get ready and then we will plan the day."

"You promised Stephan to take him to the toy story and I hope you keep that promise Steven." Alice told him, as she placed John's plate in front of him. John looked at her adoringly and Alice blushed and looked away.

Steven did not miss the exchange between John and Alice, and he said quickly, "John why don't you take Alice to the grocery store this morning, I'm sure she had a list of things she needs to get."

"It would be my pleasure!" John responded, and stabbed his fork into his sausage. "I will even go inside the grocery store with her and help her with the grocery's!"


Abby held her precious daughter in her arms lovingly and sang her a lullaby. Her heart sang with joy holding this love child in her arms. She felt so blessed and happy that God gave her another chance at life and she promised to herself that she would spend the rest of her life making it up to Steven and her children whom she adored with all her heart.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now