Chapter 28 * Tricked

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The restaurant she picked was quite expensive and classy. I wonder why she chose this one. I mean,not that I look at her with low standards,but can she afford the food here? Most of the customers wore formal attires and some had their meetings in one table.

10 minutes,20 minuted passed. She said 8:00 sharp but why isn't she here yet? It's past 8 already. I really wanna talk to her actually. It's particularly about the kiss that happend the other day. After that,things were quite awkward and got complicated. I don't know. It just seemed different. She didn't talk to me that much and she seemed like she was avoiding me or something.

Puffing out a breath,I glance at the window and then at the entrance. Still not here.

I felt like I wanted to pee so I went in the men's room for a while. When I got back,I saw a familiar figure walking in the restaurant. As soon as she saw me,she beamed at me and gave me a hug at that moment.

"I'm so glad you came! I really wanna spend some time with you." She says happily. "I'm sorry I'm late."

I turn to her face buried in me. "What are you doing here?"

She let go of me and smiled. "Sorry if I had to use her cellphone for you to come to me. It was the only thing I thought of to talk to you."

"W-what?! You set me up?!"

Caitlin rolls her eyes. "Oh,come on,Nick. You don't have to act out anymore. I'm back."

"What?!" I say. "I'm not acting,okay?! I was expecting Julie and then you'll just tell me it was you?!"

"I said,you don't have to act that you like her,or you love her,or she's your girlfriend or whatever." She remarked. "Show's over,Nick. I'm what you really want because you still love me,that's why you used her."

"H-how could you say those things? Are you even Caitlin,cause I really don't know you anymore." I grabbed my bag and walked out immediately.

She is unbelievable. Where's the Caitlin I knew before? Where's the Caitlin I fell inlove with? She isn't her anymore. Much to my disappointment.

But I really don't love her anymore. I don't. I loved her once but never twice.

"Nick,wait! Are we gonna do this chasing again?! Please,Nick,hear me out!" She caught up with me and grabbed my arm facing me to her.

"You don't have the right to say that I still love you. You can't just barge into my life again after everything you did." I say furiously. "I thought I'd love you again,Caitlin. When you told me the truth. But--"

"No,Nick! No buts,please! No buts!" She pleaded as her tears started streaming down from her eyes

"But nothing happend. I don't love you anymore and you need to accept that." I walked away but she grabbed my arm again.

"No,that's not true! Why did you do all those acts,huh? Why did you have to pretend?"

"It wasn't just because of you,you know?! I had to pretend for my identity to be hidden! I moved here because someone wants to kill me and my dad! A business rivalry!" I scowled at her. "So don't you just open that mouth whenever you want to because not everything you think is true!"

She sobbed. "But Nick,I never stopped loving you. I already told you why I had to leave you. Why can't you come back to me?"

All I know is I can't love her anymore. I can't. I just can't. Even if I already know the truth behind everything she did.

"I'm sorry. But I don't know how to love you again."

"But why,Nick?! Why?! Is it because of her,huh?! Did you develop your feelings to her! Why her,Nick?! Why?!" She sobbed and moved closer to me. "Can't it be me again?"

I look at her furiously. "Why are you saying these things to me now? If you just trusted me with your problems,this couldv'e not happen."

With that,I walked away leaving her sobbing on the sidewalks. She called out for me but I can't face her anymore. This was what I wanted,to hurt her. Deep inside of me,I also felt guilty. But ut's her fault in the first place. She didn't trust me that I could help her with that dilemma she had with her father. If she only told me about it,this wouldn't have happened.

But deep down in me,I felt glad that all of this happend. Yes,really weird,but it's what I feel.

Because I found her.

* * * * * *

I was strolling over the sidewalks when I passed by a pizza house and saw Jesse and Cody with the other students in one large table. If they're here,she must be here too. I need to talk to her.

Just as I walked in,Cody spotted me and grinned. "Hey Nick! Come join us here!"

With his remarks,all the youngsters turned to my way and invited me in. All I want is Julie. But where is she?

"Where's Julie? Isn't she with you?" I ask her friends.

"Oh dude--" He was about to answer when Jesse cut him off.

"Don't talk to him,C. He's the mastermind of Julie's walk out scene." She rolled her eyes at me like I was a mean girl.

"What?" I look at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

She snickers. "Oh,come on. We both know you're the reason why my bestfriend's ordinary life turned out to be a miserable love life."

"Jesse,I don't know what you're saying."

"Dude,if you please,get out. I knew you wouldn't be good for Julie." Cody adds up.

"You both are drowning me into bafflement." I say sternly.

"You know you hurted her. You know what you did." Jesse remarked. "Just please,stay away from her. You're just gonna worsen everything if you chase her."

No. The kiss. Did she get mad of me because of the kiss?

I groan. Now I really need to talk to her.

"Where did she go?" I ask.

Cody turns to me. "We don't know,okay? And even if we did,why would we tell you?"

Groans. A lot of groans. Ugh! Why is this actually happening?

Maybe she went home. Or possibly at the tree house.

As soon as I found a cab,I rode in and went straight home. Uncle Rick was there,but I couldn't tell him what was happening. I can't just tell him that I hurted his princess. That's a dumb move.

At the tree house,she wasn't there too. I walked out and strolled over the sidewalks. She may be here somewhere near the house. When I didn't find any sight of her,I went back to the plaza,maybe she was there.

Much to my disappointment,I saw her. But with him. Of all people,why him? And they were hugging,for Pete's sake.

What is she doing?


Revenge,eh? Haha! Just a lil' more ☺

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