Chapter 20 * Flipped

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We were there outside the doorstep,
shaking in the coldness of the weather as the heavy rain continuosly pours down from above,like it was mocking us while we shivered because of it. Nick already felt exasperated again,as usual,but this time he was getting frustrated than ever.

We've kind of been ringing the doorbell for a thousand times already,not literally ofcourse,but that can piss off people,you know? Especially when you're already squishy under the rain,like you were happily having a shower.

"No one's home,let's go." Nick says and walks away when I grab his arm and pull him back to where he stood.

"We can't just walk back to where we headed after this." I hand gestured our situation. Ourselves. Our wet selves.

"Well,what are we suppose to do here?" He says. "Wait for Christmas? Or rather--"

Out of the blur,the door flung open and revealed Caitlin in short shorts and sweatshirt,her hair tied up in a ponytail. She looked at us with a questioning look,gazing over our situation. "What happened with you?!"

Nick gazed at her sternly as I sheepishly smiled. "Sorry about our wet presence,but here's the gown." I hand her the large box in a plastic.

"The gown caused you this?" Caitlin asks. "Come in,come in!" She flung the door wide open and let us in.

Offering us towels and clothes,Todd came down and looked at us with question. "Cait,is everything fine? What happend to you guys?"

"Well,basically we were under the rain and got wet." Nick says,stating the obvious.

Todd sighs and rolled his eyes covertly over Nick's remarks. "Hey,Julie. Did the gown do this to you?"

"I guess so." We chuckle in unison and Nick looks at us with frustration. He groans.

Caitlin came back again and offered their comfort room. Turning to Nick,she says,"Nick,the bathroom's upstairs after the third door you'll see.",then she turns to me saying,"Julie,you can go in my room.".

"Caitlin,are you sure this is fine? I mean," I say sheepishly. "this is too much."

"No problem. My gown caused you this." She says.

Nick already headed upstairs and I followed Caitlin to her room. She sat on her bed and beamed at me. "I'll be here outside if you need anything."

I smiled back and went in. Her room was damn fragrant filled with pinkish wallpapers,a big closet near the door,pink and purple single bed,and fluffy curtains hanging on the window. In short,she was stylish and had good taste. And girly,too. No offense.

After having a refreshing shower,they offered us coffee and cheese sandwiches. They were having a movie marathon date so they told us to join in and spend a little more time in here.

"Movie marathon? With you guys?" I ask,taking a sip from my cup. "Are you sure were not being a trouble here?"

Caitlin chuckles. "Ofcourse not! We barely have guests here,so we'd really like you two to stay a little longer."

I turned to Nick to check if he didn't grow furious or irritated again. And he didn't Instead,he said,"Then we can't wait for flying pigs to come to start.",he says in demand.

Let me guess. He loves the idea because he gets the chance to make her jealous again. I roll my eyes in amusement.

* * * * * * *

"We already watched 3 movies,actually. Which is Love Wrecked,Avengers, and Pitch Perfect 2." Caitlin grins. "Pitch Perfect 2 was great,I tell you."

We're in the movie room already. You couldn't see any windows in here. There's nothing but aircondition,a large tv screen,and a large circular red couch surrounding a mini table on the center. There was also a small couch behind the circular one but we already fit on the front couch.

"Really?" I say. I've always loved that movie and I've been waiting for it to show in the cinemas.

"Can we just start?" Nick says surly and Caitlin lowers her smile and turns to the set of dvds again.

Todd seemed frustrated with Nick's presence. "What do you wanna watch,dude?" He seated at his side,being cool and all. But by calling him dude? He shouldn't have done it.

"Flipped! This is such a cute movie!" Caitlin blurted out raising the dvd.

"Sure babe!" Todd agrees.

"Then get it in!" Nick says demandingly.

"Hey,dude. If you're gonna act like that---" Todd grew furious but Caitlin rushed to him and managed to calm him down.

"What,huh?!" Nick glares at him.

I have no plans of turning this movie marathon into a boxing session. His and Austin's little duel was enough.

"Movie's starting!" Caitlin blurted out and jumped into the couch beside me.

So this was the position. Nick,me,Caitlin,Todd. The girls had to be in between or else they'd retain their fight. And ofcourse,the X couple couldn't be in between.



After 30 minutes...

"Aren't they cute? I love the part where the guy realizes he likes her back." Caitlin giggles as Todd surrounds his arm around her.

Basically,she's been giggling for the last 30 minutes,since the start of the movie as Todd supports her,which made Nick exasperated. As for me,all I did was force smiles at her because I didn't know how to act in this situation. I was in the middle of a love triangle,for Pete's sake.

"It's getting cold. Get in here." Nick says out of the blur and opened his arms.

"H-huh?" Shamefaced strikes!

"Get in here." He says. The other couple turns to us and Caitlin forces out a smile. But a hurtful one.

I force a smile at Nick and he smirks at me. I lean onto him as he surrounds his arms around me. He owes me  again.

"Oh,you really loved this idea,huh?" I muttered at him and he smirks once again in amusement without giving me a glance.

"Don't worry. We both do." He tightens his hug as his lips twitches upwards.

"No I don't!" I didn't realize my voice was in full volume already that Todd and Caitlin turned to us with questioning looks.


I fake a smile at them to keep em' away and turn back to Nick. "I don't Nick. I don't do things like that to you. You silly guy." I fake a chuckle as I turned to the couple. "He thought I was doing things like what the girl did to the guy. You know,the stalking parts and the one where she sniffed his collar in class."

Caitlin chuckled. "Oh,that."

Good thing they turned their attention to the movie again,or else I almost puked out there.

Presently,I turn back to Nick and leaned on him,but after giving him a glare.

He snickers covertly. "You didn't have to deny it. It was all over your apple face."

Apple face?! For goodness sake,why does he do that to me?


It's true that I've waited for Pitch Perfect 2 to show up. I've watched part one for like 10 times already. :D

Anyhow,I decided to delete my prologue. Couldn't think of anything. I did,but I'm reserving the idea for my next book. I'm planning to improve and enhance the second story.

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