Chapter 18 * Good Samaritans?

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Coach Driscoll dismisses us as the rain pours down,dark clouds all over the sky outside the down. The team spread out. Some where headed for the shower while some had a break first. We heard there was an upcoming storm this evening so the classes are suspended for the whole afternoon in preparation. Actually,the classes are already out. The basketball and swimming team,faculty and staff,and some students doing projects are the only ones left here.

Julie went ahead with her friends cause I insisted. She wanted to wait for the practice to end up but she ended up going home. She said I'd call her after
so she could come pick me up and we'll head down to Caitlin's place. Reaching my hand in my bag,I grab my phone and dial her number. Feeling my body pain,I await for her answer. My whole body seriously hurts. I didn't know that Driscoll guy was that tough. From the looks of his slim and tall body with that freckled face,he doesn't look tought at all. No offense.

After a few rings,she picks up and greets me. "Great! Be there in two shakes!" She says enthusiastically. Then I realized,how is she gonna commute with a huge debut gown on her hands? And if she's not gonna commute,can she even drive? Yes,we're delivering Caitlin's gown for tomorrow. And yes,it's happening tomorrow. Her grand 18th birthday event. We didn't have a chance to deliver it yesterday because of the dinner date Uncle Rick threw.

I breathe. That girl doesn't use her brains sometimes. She is an honorable student,but she's a human being and I guess,that's part of mankind. And I guess,I'm gonna have to pick up the brown-head from their.

I send her a text message that I'll just pick her up instead. Standing up,I gulp from my water jug. I grab my bag and was about to walk out the room when these knuckleheads barred me against the door frame. They gaze at me like bullies. Oh,what am I saying?! They are bullies. But I think they haven't encounterd 'gangster'.

My blood rises up as I glare at the three of them. Austin was ofcourse in the middle,as expected. The king of the house.

But actually,I wasn't up for a fight. As I've discussed,Coach Driscoll is a tough one,which is why I don't need their fists anymore cause I think I already earned it earlier from him.

"Trust me," I snicker. "I wanna hit those lousy faces with these fists of mine,but I'm afraid I have no time for this cruddy session for now." I remarked sternly and puffed out a sigh,walking away.

They two reaches out their hands giving me the way while Austin gazes at me. "She'll never like you,you know?",he says before I could go any farther.

I pause with a questioning look and faced him. "And what are you talking about now?"

"Julie." Austin says. "I'm just sayin'. She'll never like you."

Snickering,I glance away. "Don't tell me she's your type?" I chuckle teasingly.

Austin Prince,the great bully of Julie's miserable life,as what she said,because of him,who applied nothing else but mockery to her,did nothing but play games with her,is inlove with her? That's just amusing,isn't it?

"Don't worry. That brown-head is yours. I'll never have the urge to crave for those looks." I say surly and walk away.

"You better." I hear him remark darkly as I went farther.

What is with that guy? He's so wierd,seriously. He likes Julie? Julie? Doesn't he think his tongue just slipped. Maybe he was suppose to say Judy or Maylie or something. What I really don't get is why me? Why is he warning me?

Well,I couldn't really blame him for that. I'm with her day and night. Not to mention,we live under the same roof. The thought makes my lips curve into a smile. I guess I'm a great threat to him,aren't I?

Stepping out of the entrance,heavy rain and wet grounds await. As I grab my hood to cover my head,I rush to the nearest block where I could wait for a cab and head home. The girl is not that impatient anyway. It wasn't too soon that I found one. Lucky me. We drove to the outskirts of town as I glance at the shops,boutiques,and restos in every block.

Then,out of the blur,I thought I caught a glimpse of Julie's figure. The window was foggy so I wasn't sure if it was her. She was knocking on a cab's door looking like she was pleading him for something,hurrying ofcourse because it was raining cats and dogs.

"Stop the car!" The car halted as I had a clearer view of her when I opened the windows. The driver was in panic because his car was getting wet. I grabbed my payment and placed it on the seat and hurriedly walked out.

I groan. What did this girl get into now?

"Why can't you just bring me back to my house again so I can get my bag and pay you?!" Julie shouts with the rain pouring down. "Please! That gown is needed tomorrow already! Not the gown,please!"

Great. She forgot her bag. Which meant that she didn't have her phone and didn't reciever my message,which is why she's here. Her medium-sized brown wavy hair slipped down her body dripping wet,while her clothes looked squishy and all,fitting her slim figure.

Walking to her,I took off my jacket and put it top of her to cover her head. Always prioritize the head when it comes to rain. Julie looked surprised but that look automatically changed into panic when I opened the driver's door and pulled him out scornfully.

"What's the problem,huh?! Why won't you give her the gown?!" I scowled at him holding a tight grip to his collar. He looked anxious and panicked. "There's a storm,for Pete's sake!"

"Nick,that's enough! There's no need for it!" Julie butts in as she tries to pull me away.

"Answer me!" I demanded.

"P-p-p-please! Don't hurt me! I'll give you back the gown when you hand me the money! My son is in prison and I need the money for him immediately!" He explains in anxiety. "I can't go back anymore because I need to pay the person my son has troubled right away or else he's gonna file a case to my son!"

"And what do you think of this girl?! The flash?!" I say as if this man I'm facing doesn't have any brains. I breathe.

"Nick,why don't you just pay him so that this will all be over!" Julie remarks.

"Why is her payment the only money you need?!" I say without giving Julie a glimpse.

"It can complete the payment! That's why I really need it now! I can't wait for another passenger for another bill!" He says desperately.

"Nick,just give it to him!" She exclaims. "The man is desperate already!"

I groan. "Here!" I hand him the payment scornfully. "Now hand us the gown!"

The man curves his lips into a smile and grins at us in relief. "Thank you so much! And I'm sorry if I got you all mushy and wet under the rain!"

"You should be!" I scowl.

"Nick." Julie whispers and scolds me with her eyes. Turning to Mr. Driver,she beams at him. "Don't worry. Your son will be fine."

He nods. "And don't you worry,too. I'll drive you back home for your inconvenience. Just let me pay the price of my son first."

"Really?" Julie grins. "That would be great. Thanks!"

The driver smiles at me hesitantly and walks back in to the cab. As for me and Julie,we went in as the gown lays inside peacefully. I let out a deep sigh. This is just great. I already have a struggling body and nowI'm expecting cough and colds together with fever.

Congratulations Julie!

Can't say anything.


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